Leave Me Alone

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When we arrived at school we walked to a table and sit.

"So, how's life?" I asked

"Great, I dropped my chips while you were in the bathroom, and I stubbed my toe this morning" he said. We literally have nothing to talk about, since we spend all our time together...

"So... Ry if you're forced to stay as Kara, will you date?" He asked doing something on his phone.

"Uhm, no"

"Why not?"

"Cuz they'd like me for who they think I am, not for who I really am"

"Well, your lover boy is coming this way right now...." He said grinning. Why would he even? He knows I can't date! Come up with something to say before Cash comes over Ry! Think! Think!

"Hey, can I talk to you Kara?" He said with a sad honest voice.

"I don't have to" I said turning back to Josh.

"Kara! I'm talking to you rather you like it!" He said with a louder voice. Think of what you can say Ry! Cone on, use your dam. Big head!

"What ever you have to tell me, you can say it in front of my boyfriend!" I said glaring at him. I admit it, it hurt. A LOT. My heart started beating faster, and my eyes beginning to burn.

"What? You have a boyfriend?" He said with a hurt voice, which was added to my pain.

"yes! He is my boyfriend! Now fuck off! And leave me the hell alone!" I said as I got up and took Josh's hand in mine.

"Come on babe!" I said as I pulled Josh away.

"What was that about???"

"This is what I meant when I said I wouldn't date as Kara..." I said on the verge of tears.


I sat in class waiting for it to fucking finish. Why you may ask? Well guess who was sitting on the seat right behind me... You guessed it!

The teacher kept rambling on and on and all I could do was stare at the clock, waiting for the damb bell to ring.

"Hey...." I heard him say, but I pretended to not to "Hey!" He threw a paper at the back of my head.

"The fuck do you want???" I whisper yelled.

"Why did you do this to me?" He asked with hurt eyes

"What are you talking about?"

"You said you didn't have a boyfriend..."

"I say a lot of things" I said turning back around.

"Why would you waste both of our time like that? You aren't the person I felt you were Kara" he said, then I turned back to him.

"I know I'm not, and you aren't the guy I thought you were, you're a fucking pussy" I said turning around. I'm so sorry...

"How can you be so cruel Kara?"

I didn't turn around because tears were falling out if my eyes. I tried my hardest to stop them, but they kept in coming.

The bell rang and I quickly wiped them away. I got my bag and stood up. I was about to walk away but I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Um gonna find out what's really going on... And that guy so called your "boyfriend" doesn't deserve you...." He said letting go.

I walked out of the classroom as fast as I could.


"This is it.... Isn't it beautiful?"
Josh said as we stood in front of the apartment.

"Its so pretty...." I said in awe. It truly was pretty.... There were flowers everywhere and the complex was pretty tall and was light brown and white.

"Come on let's go put our stuff inside." He said as he walked to the complex entrance.

"So once we get all the boxes in were gonna go out to eat, to a little restaurant close to here" he said as he smiled down at me.

"I'm so happy we finally got a place Ry"

"I am too" I said smiling at him.


"That's the last box, its barely six, so we still have time to have dinner."

"Great! I'll go and dress in a more appropriate outfit" I said heading off to my new room which was upstairs. There were spiral stairs that were gorgeous!

I got walked up and entered my room.

"Holy shit!" I said as I realized how friken huge it was. The right side was all glass so you could see the city down below. And there was a chandelier hanging from the ceiling

I quickly opens the box that had all my clothes and chose to wear a white turtle neck crop top with a black circle skirt. I curled my hair extensions and did my makeup.

"Come on Ry hurry up!" I heard Josh call.

"Coming" I quickly put a red lipstick. Then I ran to my white Christian louboutin and put them on.

I grabbed my hand bag he bought me today and walked down.

"How do I look?" I said catching his attention since he was looking at the TV.

"Whoa..... Ry you look gorgeous! Oh my...." He was standing there with his mouth gaping open.

"Close your mouth and let's go" I laughed as I grabbed his hand pulling him out of the apartment.

While we were driving there he kept glancing over at me and smiling to himself.

"Are we there yet!" I said.

"Yes, NOW we're here!" He parked the car. Then got out and opened the door before I could.

"Thank you" I said getting out. When we entered the smell of heaven hit my nose. FOOD!!!!

We took our seat at a table with tall chairs.

"You look so pretty Ry" he said eyeing me.

"You look very handsome" I said. He really did. He had on a tux and his jaw looked really good, I dont know why I never noticed.

I felt my phone buzz in my purse. I opened it and took my phone out.

It was a message from that one number.

'You look fine tonight'

'What do you want from me?'

'I know a way for you to get revenge from John, if you're interested meet me at the park at twelve'

"Who is it?" Josh asked.

"Its uhm, a wrong number...." I said putting my phone away.

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