Lies With Guilt

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"I didn't really know what to get so I got one of each... And do you know how to walk in heels?" He asked putting the bags from forever 21 on the table.

"I can learn. And thank you" I said walking up to the bags.

"Oh my gosh!!! This is so friken pretty!!!" I squeaked as I pulled out a white sweetheart crop top.

"Wow I didn't know you'd actually like this cross dressing thing" he laughed

"Well, I didn't either. Oh and Josh"


"I hope you don't mind but I kinda bought extensions with your card..."

"That's ok. That's just my spare." He said taking off his shirt out of the blue.

"What! Jesus! Josh put on a shirt!" I said putting my hands over my eyes.

"Relax. I'm just gonna take a shower." He grinned walking to it.

I heard the shower running but the door wasn't shut. What the hell?

I decided to ignore it and just look at the clothes. Which for a straight boy he actually got a lot of pretty clothes, then again he said he got one of each.

I decided to surprise him and slipped on a pair. I put on a black circle skirt and the white sweetheart crop top. Which unfortunately showed that I had no boobs so I stuffed it with socks and pushed up the little chest fat I had and vuala!

I put my hair down and slipped on some heels. I looked through another bag that didn't say forever 21 and saw that he brought makeup as well. I already have clear skin so I don't really need concealer... Hmmm.

I finished up my makeup just as I heard the water turn off.
I stood outside to scare him and waited quietly.

3... 2.... 1...

"surprise bitch!" I yelled out

"Jesus!" He jumped up as I did.

"Hahahaha! You should have seen the look on your face!" I said as my stomach started hurting from all the laughter. The readjusted my self as I remembered why I scared him.

"What do you think?" I said twirling for him to see all my angles.

"How did you just grow boobs out of nowhere???" He said eyeing them.

"I didn't, see" I said pulling out the sock and waving it at his face.

"Ew! Ry what the hell!" He said pushing my hand away.

"How is this ew?!?!" I stopped then stuffed it back in.

"So Ry, have you thought of... You know, girl names?" He asked picking up the phone to order room service.

"Uhm Not really, ok a little bit... It kinda hard actually I'm still debating"


"I really like the name Kara I like the ring of it, but I also like Chanel."

"Why not chose both? I mean you can pick one as your middle name. After all you are starting a new identity" he said slipping on a new shirt.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" I said sitting on the bed.

"Well I have to go home and act like I don't know anything. I'll be back at sunset ok?" He said hugging me.

"Bye Josh. You're such a great guy. I'm so happy we're friends" I said squeezing him with my short arms.

"you too. You're a great person. I love you Ry seeya soon... And get better!" He said heading out.

Well. Let's see what's on TV.

"Looking for a smaller waist this summer? Try our n-" a stupid commercial played but then I changed it and as I surfed the channels something caught my eyes.

"A teen boy at the age of 16, Rylon Blackwood was reported missing this morning and not more than two hours ago did they find the vehicle he was said to be driving this morning, found two miles from his home, the vehicle is totaled. investigators say that the teen wouldn't have survived the accident do to the compaction of the car during the incident and was also on fire. Reporters have just now been told that the body has not been found..." I can't believe it!

"The body is thought to have flown out and be in a river" the reporter continued.

I know that this would happen but it felt surreal.

"Room service!" I heard the door be knocked on. I changed the channel and walked to open it.

"Good evening ma'am! Here you go. If there's anything you need you can call again. Have a nice day" the guy said smiling at me before walking out.

Yesssssss!!! He thought I was a girl! Now let's see what they brought...

"Chicken and waffles???" I said looking at the plates.

"Oh well" I decided to eat since I hadn't eaten since the day before.

Wait... Since there's no point for me to be hiding anymore, I could go to school! Not really because I like school but because I think that's the only way to keep contact with Elena. I feel really bad I have to do this, everyone is gonna be thinking that I died, but its gonna all turn out fine. Once I know I'm 100% safe from John I'll stop this and everything is gonna be ok right?......right?

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