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I woke up and felt a slap to my face.

I opened my eyes and saw John standing next to my bedside.

"So... Eric told me what you did last night..." He said in an angry voice.

"He said you came onto him... Is that true?" He said sitting on the bed next to me.

I sat up and looked shocked at him.

"No! No I didn't!" I said knowing what was coming.

"DONT YOU LIE TO ME!!!" He punched my eye which caused me to hit my head on the headboard.

"I didn't! He's lying!"

"MY SON WOULD NEVER LIE!!!" He said grabbing a hold of my neck with his right hand and smashed my head against the wall behind me.

He choked me, I could barely breathe.

"Now tell me the truth! DID YOU TELL HIM TO FUCK YOU!?!?" I saw veins sticking out from His forehead and his arm.

"Yes! Yes I did! I did do it!" I had to lie if I wanted to live...

"That's what I thought" he threw me and I gasped for air.

"Get up and make me breakfast" I immediately got up and did so.

"Like what we did last night?" Eric said running his hands on my bottom

I ignored him and continued making breakfast.

As I finished I put the plates on the table and went up to my room to get ready.

I put my glasses on and walked out and went to the car where they were at.

When we arrived I went looking for Elena.

As I walked by a window I saw my reflection and saw that I had a bruise on my chin and on my eye.

I can't let her see me like this she'll suspect something.
As I finally saw her.... I had to avoid her at all cost.

I ran into the restroom and locked myself in one of the stalls.

I heard the door open and someone walking inside.

I peeked through the crack of the door and saw Cash. He went into the stall next to mine.

What am I thinking? I can't stay in here all day...
I have get out of here, I'll just go to the park or something...

I opened the door without making a noise and took a step out before I heard the toilet flush. I ran to the door and pushed it but it wouldn't open! I tried again but it wouldn't budge!

"Hey" I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"H-hey..." I said awkwardly.

"Your friend told me you find me attractive..." He said washing his hands. I'm gonna kill you Elena!!!

"I'm sorry, she has a big mouth and she's weird. But no I didn't say anything about me thinking you are attractive..." I said playing with my hands.

"Well, if you do then I'm sorry but I'm not gay. But we can be friends right?" He said smiling.

"yeah we can be friends" I smiled

"By the way, you pull the door" he said pulling it open. I mentally slapped myself.

"Thanks" I blushed from embarrassment.

"So... Why do you have those bruises?" He asked eyeing them.

"uhm, uh I uhm I have to go I'm already thirty minutes late, seeya later!" Damn it Rylon!!! You had ONE job!

"Ok? Bye!" He walked off in the other direction.

I of course wasn't going to class. I'm going to the park, its not that far away.

I sat in a swing and kicked the sand as I was thinking.

How do I get out of that house? I mean I can't get put in a foster home... I don't know what to do...

"Hey" I heard Josh say as he sat in the swing next to me.

"What's up?" I said not looking at him.

"I noticed that you weren't in class... What's wrong?" He asked looking at me.

"Nothing, I just wasn't feeling it" I said still not looking at him.

"Bullshit, tell me what's wrong!" He said getting off his swing and stood in front of me before gasping as he saw my bruises.

"What happened??? Are you Ok???" He said as he touched the one at my eye.

"It happened again..." I said holding back tears. Josh knew about my situation since two years ago but I told him to keep it a secret.

"Rylon! You have to go to the police! We're reporting this!!! Get up now!" He got me by my arm and stood me up.

"No! I can't... Eric said he'll kill me! He's tried doing it before!!! Please!" I said falling on my knees.

"Hey... Rylon. Its gonna be ok if we tell them. John and Eric will get put into jail and they won't be able to hurt you anymore" he said rubbing my back.

" I just... I-i promised my mom I would be a part of their family"
I sobbed.

"Rylon, I'm positive she would want the best for you"

"I don't know..." I sobbed

"Rylon... Look at me... Trust me on this..." He cupped my cheek.

"Hey! Get up Rylon!" I shook as I heard Eric's voice come from behind us.

"Get up now!" He grabbed me from my arm and stood me harshly.

"Leave him Alone!" Josh stood up and pushed Eric away from me, causing Eric to stumble back and almost fall.

"The hell you're gonna tell me what the fuck to do!" Eric's face scrunched up in anger.

"Leave him alone! He never did shit to you!" Josh said his red face from anger and got Eric from the collar of his shirt.

"Do you hear me!?!?" For the first time ever I heard josh in such a tone, it scared me.

"Who the fuck do you thin you're talkng to!?!?" Eric said as he threw josh if of him.

"Now come on bitch! Let's go!" He pulled me by my hair.

"I SAID to leave him ALONE!" Josh said as he threw a punch at him. Eric flew to the ground.

"Come on, you're coming home with me!" He said handing his hand out for me to grab.

I slowly did. And looked up to him.

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