Is It You

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"Honey.... Darling wake up"
I felt mom's hand on my arm lightly shaking me.


"Shhhh. Yes it's me honey long time no see" she said smiling at me.

"I miss you so much..." I said as I felt my eyes burn with tears

"I miss you too Rylon... There's something I want to talk to you about" she said sitting at my side

"What is it?" I asked sitting up.

"Honey... I know you care for me, I know that what happened with John and us really hurt you... But you have to stop whatever you're doing"

"What do you mean?"

"Violence isn't the solution... Let him live his life and slowly he will be become a burden to himself" she said putting her hand on mine.

"Its not fair! He has to pay for what he's done!"

"Shhh karma will come and do its job... Just stay out of it... There's a bad future for you Rylon... Bad if you continue... I love you Rylon... I'll see you later." She said getting up.

"No mom! Please don't leave me again! Please!*

"Shhhh we'll see each other again... I love you Rylon take care" she said disappearing.

"No!!! Mom!"

I woke up with my body drenched in sweat.

"It's just a dream it's just a dream" I said to myself as I sat up.


"Hey... What's wrong you seem a bit distracted" cash said as we sat in our usual table.

"I'm just out if it today" I said playing with my hair.

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked

"About what? I said I was just out of it"

"Don't lie to me. I know something's up" he said grabbing my hand and holding it in his.

"Its nothing I promise" I lied

"If there's ever anything you want to talk about I want you to know that I'm here for you" he said rubbing my hand lightly.

"I love you" I said then slowly realized what I said.

"Did you just say what I think you said?" He said with a huge smile on his face.

"Yes... And I meant it" I said as I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"And I love you Kara"


"Remember, try getting as much information out of him as you can... Tap the red button on the earplug if you need back up alright?" Roman said fixing the wires.

"I know" I said fixing the wig.

"If you fuck this up-"

"I know I know! You'll kill me blah blah blah" I waved my hand and walk out of the room.

I walled out of there and called John.


"Hey... It's me Sophia..."


"This is where everything is produced... And that over there is where all the money is kept..."

"Whoa.... Its so big!" I said taking in the view. There was a whole factory working on producing crystal and coke...

"Pretty cool... Now want to know your job is gonna be?"

"What us it?"

"You, you're gonna be our messenger. Your job will be to transport these goods to the places where it is sold." He said grabbing a briefcase filled with coke.

"this is your first delivery... My men will accompany you... Now go I'll see you in a few hours"

Two guys came out from behind me and took some cases and headed to a black hummer.

I took one and headed over there as well.

"You're gonna love it here" one if the guys said starting the car.

"Wait till your stack starts building up" one of them said.

When we got to the destination we quickly unloaded the car and ran into a huge drivway.

"Quick! Knock and give them tbe password!"

"Whats the password???"

"Nevermind! You tell them!"he said to the other guy.

He knocked and the door opened slightly he gave them the password and we walked in.

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