Real Fun

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I walked to the hotel after.

I slipped my card through the scan and the door opened.

I fell onto my bed and fell asleep shortly.


"Did you do it?" Roman asked as I walked in.

"What do you think..." I walked over to hang my bag.
I dressed up as Sophia and left to John's club without saying another word to Roman.

"Sophia! How are you? The guys are waiting for you to go get the money" I entered John's Club and went to the guys with no mood on my face.

"Ready for some excitement?" One of the guys said.

He started the car and we zoomed out of there in a second.

We had a few police cars chase us but we lost them. When we got there we bursted out if the car and ran to the mansion.

We had a gun on each hand one of them knocked on the door.
Little did both if the guys know that this was a set up... Roman was on the other side along with 20 other men. He had ordered the people that live here to order coke... From John...

And these two boys by my side have many... Many information on John and his company...

"Open the fucking door!!!" One of the guys said as he banged on the Door.

The door slowly opened. And out came five guys with guns.

"Hey Rylon..." Ben said as he stood there too. I walked over to him and the guys looked confused at me.

"Y-you're Rylon??? I- I thought we killed you!!!" One of them started.

"You thought Wrong... Bring them inside" I said, Ben and some other guy went and dragged them inside.

"You were's when the real fun starts" I said as they were dragged in.

"You wanna make it out of here alive?" I said walking over to the one that was tied to the chair.

"You're a stupid little boy Rylon... John knows everything... You should know this by now... He'll find you Rylon... He'll find you no matter how well you hide..."

"That's why I'll kill him. You don't know me... And you don't know what I'm capable of" I said standing in front of him.

I bent over so we were eye level.

"So... answer my question... Do you want to get out of here alive?"

"Fuck you!" He said with gritted teeth.

I got a dumbbell from the floor and smashed it against his face.

"Ok! Ok I'll help you get whatever you want!" He said turning his face.

"Good..." I said dropping it.

"Get Roman in here" I said to bend

"Roman!?!?" The other guy yelled with a scared look on his face.

About five minutes later he walked in.

"Well well well... Looks like you actually got the job done Rylon..." He said with an evil grin on his face.

"Yeah yeah... Whatever just do whatever you have to do with them..." I said walking out of the room.


It had been two weeks and I hadn't heard from Cash.

I hadn't seen him either. I got weaker and weaker everyday.

I felt so scared... And lonely.

I prayed that he'd come back but he never did.

"BEEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!" bell rang.
I got up and got my backpack and walks out of the classroom into the crowded hallways.

I walked through the crowd... I pushed my way passed everyone...

I decided not to go to my next class and to go to the bleachers instead.

I sat in the highest row.

"You deserve every but of this Rylon" I told myself.

I should've listened to myself when I said it would cause trouble later.

"Hey" I heard a voice come from the bottom

I looked down and saw... Josh?

"What do you want" I said getting up so I could leave.

"Can we talk for a bit"

"If you're gonna insult me I have better things to do"

"No! No.... I'm not, I just want to speak with you..."

"Fine..." I said and begun walking down.

"What is it?" I asked leaning against the bleachers.

"I want to apologize for the way I treated you..."

"Its ok. I forgive you. Bye" I said as I began to walk away.

"No! Rylon. I'm serious... I'm sorry... I really am... I regret ever treating you like that." He said with a sincere voice.

"Well... Its ok... We all do things we regret later" I said.

"I miss you Ry... I really do"

"I miss you too."

"So you and Cash are dating now?" He asked with a smile growing on his face.

"No... Well not anymore" I said but my voice cracked at the end.

"Why not? What happened?"

"Well I couldn't lie to him any longer so I told him the truth..."

"D-did he hurt you?" He asked with his fists clenching.

"No... Surprisingly... He should've"

"What are you saying! No! You had no choice Ry! You had to lie! You had to lie in order to survive!".

"He didn't see it that way..." I said, my eyes started burning from the tears.

"Come here" he said then wrapped me in his arms.

"I just... I ... I don't know what to do Josh... I don't know!" I cried into his chest.

Its all my fault...

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