Chapter 2 - Mr. Alabaster

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Chapter 2 - Mr. Alabaster:

I was shocked that they had even hired someone like Mr. Alabaster. He had a lightly tanned complexion and little to none stubble. His dark brown hair fell to his shoulders, shinning healthily in the light. Dark brown eyes – nearly black – completed his face. They seemed so dark and full, almost like you could swim in them.
All in all, the guy was too good looking for a freaking high school teacher.

I stared at the crazy popular girls who were doing the whole oh-my-gosh-can-I-please-sleep-with-you-tonight-because-I’ve-like-never-screwed-a-teacher-like-oh-my-gosh-look. They seriously were disgusting. I mean…he’s a freaking teacher! Who is…how many years older than us? Ten? Twenty? One-freaking-hundred!? He’s old.
I shivered, poor old man. I’d be so creeped out if I was getting those kinds of looks from people. And he must feel really awkward that he has to teach biology to a bunch of teenagers; because we were learning about the human body this term. Meaning that the PE teachers were sick of doing Sex Ed and so they were mixing it in with biology too.
He’ll be having a lot of questions with answered already known, asked. For example; ‘How do we reproduce?’ or perhaps ‘Where does sperm come from?’ or even if someone is really bold ‘How do you have sex?’
I can see it all now.

But today was one of those lame lessons where we get to ‘know each other’. Know each other my ass.
I plugged in my iPod and turned Black Veil Brides up. I set my head on my arms and shut my eyes, facing the window as a cool breeze graced my face.
I started to relax, and that’s when I noticed it, when I felt it.
Something supernatural was in the room.
Or supposedly had been, seeing as I had put my walls up. But I knew everyone fairly well in this room. I watched everyone quietly at a distance. And Mr. Alabaster was too dumb to be something supernatural.

"So are you single?" My head shot to Paige as a snort escaped my lips. The way she had asked so nonchalantly made me want to slap her, yet it was too funny. I let out a chuckle as she shifted in her seat to glare at me.

"Oh, sorry Paige, didn't know you went for the older types." I shrugged, a sarcastic look upon my face as I turned back to the window. "Then again, you never really had a type, anything with a penis." I muttered, just loud enough so she would hear. I was annoyed from earlier on, I don't like being humiliated.

"Bitch please, don't go calling me a slut. Just because you still have your virginity and I don't doesn't make me a slut." She stood up, scowling at me; hate clear in her eyes.

I laughed. "Maybe the fact that you sleep with a different guy every night makes you a slut." I directed my eyes on her again. "And what makes you think I'm a virgin?"

Several "ooo's" and "aaah's" sounded through the class room as Mr. Alabaster sat awkwardly on his desk, shooting us warning glances.
To be honest, I still had my virginity - of course - but I didn't want to give her the saticfaction of admitting that. So I lied. Clearly, she was sleeping with different guy's a lot, not every night, but she still got around.

"And you call me a slut," she growled.

I blinked, trying to think of another come back. "Hey, at least I lost it with dignety. Not like you - losing it to the quarter back in the first year of high school because you were drunk." As I said, I hadn't lost my virginity.

Enraged, Paige stalked over to my desk and slammed her hands down. Glaring me straight in the eye, she huffed. "You and me, Friday afternoon, front gate, 3:05pm. Got it?"

"Why Friday?"

"Because I have practice every other day, and I'm busy at lunch times."

"Define, busy." I said slowly.


"Sure, not like I have anything else-"

"I'm sure that won't be necessary, seeing as you have detention - for the use of words and arrangement of a fight- for a week." Mr. Alabaster smiled, walking over to us.

My smirk towards Paige faltered as I stood up from my seat. "You won't call our parents, right?" I begged.

"Oh yes, a note home, the whole she-bang." He rubbed his chin, smirking at Paige and I.

"Pussy much?" Paige chuckled, looking back at me.

My eyes widened more. "You have no freaking idea what -" I stopped. "Oh, don't freaking judge me, cow." I pushed past Mr. Alabaster, ignoring the contact and left the classroom; disobeying the teachers attempts to make me stay.

Once I was out of the class room, the nausea became less and less as I made my way to my locker, to my board, and out the door I had run out of the previous night.







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