Chapter 21 - Freaking Parties:

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Last chapter was...seedy...But this chapter is going to be DIFFERENT! YEAH!
Hahaha, enjoy...BUDDIES... ;]

Chapter 21 - Bad News:

Casper's P.O.V:

"Why did you drag me along to this?" Heidi growled quietly, arms crossed as she glared straight ahead.

I sighed. "Because," I drawled. "Because we have to show these assholes that we're not pussies. We vandalized the lunch room, we're awesome. And it's about time they had some respect." I glanced at her as I drove towards some spoilt, popular kids house.

My mum thought that were at the library. Which I found kind of funny. Only Heidi goes to the library. She's my lame ass friend. "This is not how we get respect." She faced me, angrily. "Those faggots run the school, and they only have 'respect' because they can take away people's social statuses."

I slammed my hands down on the wheel as the light turned red, and I faced Heidi. "Okay, you want to know why?" She nodded, her cheeks red from rage. "I want to go because Jade is going. And she think's I'm a dick---"

"No she doesn't. Jade is so into you," She said. "And I know nothing about relationships!"

I continued to drive and let out a groan of frustration. "We're still going."

Heidi let out a disgruntled cry as she smalled her hand to the door to open it. Lucky, I'd thought ahead. She looked over at me as if she was possessed by a demon. "What...the fuck, did you the freaking door!?"

"Child lock," I said simply as she struggled to get out.

Heidi groaned as she leaned back in her seat and glared at her lap. "Why am I dressed like this anyway? They'll just think I'm a whore and call me fat." She muttered.

"Because you need a man in your life," I answered.

She was wearing a strapless, short, black dress - which I'd found in my mums closet. The thing clung to her like second skin. Heidi was like my little sister, and I was sick of these people giving her shit about her body. She was hot - in a friend way - and they needed to know that.

"Don't give me that crap," She groaned. "At least you didn't make me wear those stupid heals. You're like a girl. The sister I never had."

"You told me Dred was gay," I commented on her older brother. I knew it was a touchy topic but I needed to make a joke out of it.

"I lied." Heidi snapped, giving me a dead pan look. Soon silence filled the car and I pulled up in front of the persons house."We're here?" She asked, looking at me like she was about to have a mental breakdown.

I nodded and got out of the car, before walking over to her side and slowly opening the door. Heidi slammed the glass of the door into my face and made a run for the street. I bolted after her and grabbed her by the waist. "We're going, whether you like it, or not."

"Well I don't like it, now let me go."

"You know that I'm dragging you in there, right?" I asked, and Heidi sighed in defeat, giving me a nod. We walked back towards the two story, modern, concrete house which had coloured lights streaming from it.
I bet the satelights in space could see this as clear as the Great Wall of China.

Strolling in casually, we stopped at the door as everyone stopped dancing and looked at us. The school's DJ's soundtracks scratched and went silent as his jaw dropped. Then they all shrugged and the tapes continued to play as their bodies thumped to the beat.

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