Chapter 27 - My Hero:

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Okay, so this chapter is going to be weird - I have a hunch. ENJOY!

Chapter 27 - My Hero:

Lucas's P.O.V:

I was running through the woods, in human form, following her intoxicating scent that was mixed in with baby shampoo and caramel popcorn.
The twigs and leaves cracked and cackled, almost like they were laughing at my horrid concern for this girl. I had no idea who she was - in all honesty. She was the beautiful girl who sat at the back of my biology class, first period every school day.

The girl who could sing like a nigh-ting gale and play the piano and guitar. The girl who's raven hair had changed red, and back to black over night. The girl who had a mouth on her and didn't care who was watching when she had been dancing in the cafeteria that day.
The girl who had painted the lockers, making them look colourful and alive. The girl who had told Chloe to shut her big mouth. The girl who had made my life wild once more. The girl who had taken my boring ass night and made it the best in my life. More than once.

I didn't know her favourite colour. I didn't know her life story. I didn't even know if she could tie her own two shoes. But I knew that I had fallen in love with that smart ass-ed, crazy, shit handling girl. And I wasn't about to even think of changing that fact.

'Where are we?' I asked my wolf.

He sighed in dismay. 'In fucking China! Just keep on running you idiot, we'll get there soon.'

I growled, as I ran faster, catching sight of an empty, grey, boring road. An empty road? More questions arose in my mind as I burst through the tall tree's line of darkness, into the afternoon's setting sun.
A laugh nearly escaped my lips. Heidi had woken up after midday. No wonder she was almost always late to my classes.

Her scent became stronger as I spotted an old, paint chipped house. With my heightened hearing, I could hear a man yelling inside as I drew nearer. Then a giggle. Soon I could make out the words the man was saying.

"---You don't come home anymore. Have you been whoring around like your mother? Where is she, huh? Where the fuck is she!?"

I heard a familiar growl, one that belonged to Heidi. "Are you that damn stupid?" She snarled, but I could almost smell the fear in her voice. "She's dead you stoner! She's been dead for ages, and you haven't cared once! You didn't even go to her damn funeral, you selfish bastard. Go smoke some weed and get drunk," She spat, disgust clear in her voice.

I heard a slap, then silence. Running up to the house, I kicked in the door and looked around. The place was bare, but a mess. The couch was ripped, the mats stained while a big bag of...marijuana lay open on the floor next to some bongs.

'So your princess is a drugo,' My wolf said sarcastically.

'This is no time for jokes! It's her dad, idiot.' I growled, as I ran to the stairs I spotted a door. Bolting up, I saw two figures and one small one. The small one had long, ebony, wavy hair and pale skin that could glow like the moon.

The man turned, facing me. His face was covered with long stubble and his eyes were blood shot while his stomach stuck out from his body. The woman next to him had the same blood shot eyes and bleach blond hair. Her tanned skin looked orange and unnatural while her bra was visibly stuffed with... socks? What the?

"Who the fuck are you?" The man asked angrilly as Heidi's head shot up, a red mark on her cheek and her eyes watery.
She looked so innocent and child like, I wanted to go over and hug her - make her feel better. The things she's asked me while she was drunk, made me wonder who had told her that. I'd heard people say it at the school, and I'd almost ripped their heads off. But I found her amazing. She was perfect in every way.

"I said, who the fuck are you?" The man yelled, shoving my shoulders.

I growled, looking down at the man. "Who the hell do you think you are?" I beckoned towards Heidi. "Did you hit that girl?"

The man laughed, "Indeed I did,"

Then I snapped. My wolf took over as I smashed the mans head with my fist, a satisfying crack answering me. He shook his head and tried to hit me back, but I kicked him in the groin and punched him once more.

He fell to the ground, a groan escaping his lips. The woman dropped beside him, to check if he was okay. She looked up at me, then her eyes changed. That slut. A suggestive smirk  appeared on her face and I scrunched my nose up in disgust.
Shoving her shoulder a little, I went over to Heidi.

"Are you okay?" I breathed into her neck, sliding my face all over the heated, bare skin while I breathed in her smell. My arms wrapped protectively around her body as my arms rubbing her back as if to reassure her.

She didn't say anything but returned my hug.

Heidi's P.O.V:

"Thank you," I finally said, once we were back in Lucas's room at the pack house. He'd saved me, after the shit I'd said this morning and the way I'd acted. He chose to come after me and save me. Without him, Pete would have probably tried to kill me. "You don't know how much that really means to me," I shook my head.

Lucas came over to were I was leaning on the wall and sat on the ground with me. He wrapped me up in his strong arms again and dragged me onto his lap. "How long has he been doing that to you?"

I sighed. "Since my mum died," His arms tightened and I smiled. "You know, you're not all that bad, if you get past all the annoying and cocky-ness."

"You're not so bad yourself."

                                                    ~ * * * ~

I rolled over, looking at Lucas, with my head hanging off the bed and my chest facing the ceiling. He had a pair of boxers on and he was drying his long, brown, wet hair with a towel. I nearly started ogling over his well toned six pack. My wolf was going nuts.

A smirk formed on his lips, "What?"

"Oh nothing," I threw my hand up in the air and rolled on my side.

He came over to me, towering over the bed and me on it, "What?" He grinned.

"No, no, nothing." I chuckled.

He bent down and poked my side, making me let out a little yelp. Great, now he knew I was ticklish - note the damn sarcasm. Lucas brought both his hands to my sides and started to work his fingers into my skin, making me roll on the bed, squealing like a little kid; trying to get away from him.

"Stop!" I gasped, as I got on my knees and fought his hands. But he came onto the bed and pushed me down, continuing the torture session. Soon the shit head ended up on top of me, and holding my hands above my head while he kept in tickling me.

Eventually, he stopped and just stared at me. He smiled, leaning down so his head hovered above my neck. "Please?" He asked, almost beggingly. I nodded, knowing what he wanted to do. His mouth traced down my neck to the sensitive spot, where my neck met my shoulder.

He sucked on the flesh - causing pleasure to flow through me - before he latched his mouth onto it, making my vision to go blurry and my world to change perspective.


Are you happy Thomas? He beat up her dad, yay or nay?
WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NEXT GUYS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?






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