Chapter 7 - Crap:

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Chapter 7 – Crap:

 Heidi’s P.O.V:

 “What is it with you and Paramore?” Andy, the bass guitarist and one of my friends asked.

 “They’re good!” I insisted from behind the change room door. I pulled on my work pants and apron over my body. I had become worried. I was either
1) Losing my mind.
2) Letting my wall down.
3) Being a stupid school girl and having a subconscious crush on my biology teacher which I had no idea about.
Or 4) Losing my mind.
Because I swear I saw Mr. Alabaster in the crowd.

 I stepped out of the change room and stared at Andy, Casper and Caleb – the pianist. Casper played drums. “What’s up with you and Vampire Weekend?"

"They're good."

"True," I smiled, tyingmy hair back into a pony tail. "I have to get back to the bar, I'll give you all your pay from the boss tomorrow night. See you's later." I waved, taking off to the bar.
I jumped the bar, getting a few wolf whistles as they tried to touch me.

After an hour or two, people were yelling their orders at me and screaming at me to hurry up. Happy hour had started about half an hour and it was heck-tic. I was running around the bar, fetching every different bottle of spirits and whiskey on the planet.
Friday night - a long night.

Mr. Alabaster's P.O.V:

I had been about two hours since the band's performance and I had managed to make out with at least eight girls, each one just as drunk and disappointing. Their kisses were sloppy and their movements were sluggish. I wasn't getting any satisfaction from this. Not tonight. I never usually did, but tonight was worse. Maybe it was that fact that there was no alchol in my system.

'Maybe if this girl was a little shorter, maybe a bit younger...and prettier...' I pulled away from the girl I had been feeling up and made my way over to the bar.
Honestly, I wish I had been making out with a brick wall, won't be as wet and slimy as these girls.

The bar was full of yelling people and nearly all the seats were taken, and that was saying something. The bar was massive and nearly took up the whole second floor of the club. So I took my seat and waited for someone to serve me.

"Name your poison, buddy." A female yelled over the rush of people.
I glanced up to see black hair and golden orbs. My eyes widened as I stared at Heidi, clearly confused.

"Why are you at a club, let alone at a bar?" I yelled so she could hear me.

"I'm not at a bar, I'm a bar!" She looked at me weirdly. "Why the bloody hell are you here?"

"Is it illegal to go to a club?"

"No, but-"

"But it's illegal for you - Heidi - to work at a club."

"Tell me, what you want." She asked through clenched teeth.

"Sex On The Bar." I answered quickly, holding back a laugh as she flushed.

"A what?"

"It's a drink, stupid. Sex On The Bar, you know...pineapple rum, Triple Sec, Cranberry-"

"I know what it is!" She growled, heading off to make it.
She sure growled a lot, I must say.
Heidi mixed the drink perfectly, and - to my amazement - didn't put some death potion...thing in my drink. Cleaning the glass, she poured the delicious, exotic substance [A/N: heheheheee~!] into the glass and handed it to me. "What two vodka shots? Happy hour." She looked around, avoiding eye contact.

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