Chapter 11 - Pack House and Chloe:

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So a new chapter and HOPEFULLY new feedback~!? Enjoy! <3
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Chapter 11 - Pack House and Chloe:

Heidi's P.O.V:

"You have to stay here tonight," Said the guy whose name I had learnt was 'Jet'.

"But I have to go see my brother, I promised I would visit!" I whined, obviously annoyed with the situation.

"Visit?" Mr. Alabaster asked.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, picking at the huge shirt which had slipped off one of my shoulders. I was sitting on a couch in the pack's lounge room, television off and everyone in their rooms.
We sat quietly in the awkward silence, until Jet jumped up.

"Are you hungry?"

"No," I said in the you're-crazy-tone; which I had happened to be using a lot lately.

"But wolves eat a lot!" He smirked.

"I don't eat a lot...and for God's sake, why do you talk about it so nonchalantly?"

"Because," Mr. Alabaster started. "It's normal for us."

"Not for me," I huffed looking at the string which was wrapped around my finger.
I still thought that this was a dream, that I wasn't a 'werewolf' and that they were insane. This whole night was just a dream, it had to be. Nightmare, more like it. But if I'm dreaming...that means I'm sleeping...which means that...I should be at Morgan and Phillips!
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, s-t-u-p-i-d!

"What's all the racket?" My head shot up to the stairs of which a female with dark hair and tanned skin was hoping down slowly, clearly in a sleepy daze. She was wearing a baggy shirt like mine and rubbed her eyes. She was so pretty and elegant - tall too.

"Sorry, Chloe. We're just having," Mr. Alabaster looked at me, then back to the girl who was called 'Chloe' and smiled. "Problems."

"Can you sort them out? I want to go to bed, baby." She whined, walked up to him and sitting on his lap. After just looking at them for a minute and her scowling/smirking at me, I felt sick in the gut.

"Actually, Jet, I'm up for that meal." I got up and walked with him into a kitchen. It was large and the same wood like the rest of the house. The soft glow of the yellow lights was calming and gave the house a tranquil feel. Too bad I'm not feeling calm.

" and Lucas, hey?"

"I honestly don't know what you're talking about," I answered truthfully. "Even if I did like the guy, he seems pretty hooked on that chick, so who cares?" I shrugged as I watched him spread the peanut butter on the bread.

"You'll care eventually, you're mates." He smirked at me evilly.

"Oh my gosh, what does that even mean?" I whined.

"You don't know?" He asked, then acted innocent when I shot him a deadpan look. "Wolves have soul mates. When they find their mate, they're attracted and almost always end up together. It's destiny, according to the 'elders'." He made air quotes and rolled his eyes. "When you find your mate, you need to be near them. Whatever species they are, you still love them. And eventually the male in the relationship will mark the female; which is called mating. Enough buttercup?"

"That's heavy crap, I'm not getting into it." I said, determined, but he just laughed. "What about the ones who didn't end up together? Did they turn to dust like vampires?"

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