Chapter 23 - Day In Heaven, Making Hell:

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Sorry my previous chapter was short! >_< *Cough* Tommy-babe *Cough*
CHECK OUT NINJAPOR! He's an amazing writter (much better than me) and has supported this story the whole way through! SO YEAH! HE'S MAD DOG SHIZ! ;]

Chapter 23 - Death on a Stick:

Heidi's P.O.V:

I looked at Casper, showing him my best dead panned expression. My mind finally digested the information and I flipped out. "What!?" I shrieked.

Casper shook his head. "I'm serious."

"Why!?" My hands flew to my head while I looked like a mad woman.

"Mum didn't really like me staggering through the front door - drunk off my face - Jade under my arms, you know?" He scratched his neck.

I scoffed. "She's nuts, why do you have to move?"

"The lockers, then the cafeteria, and now this is it." He shrugged.

I growled, hitting the wall with my fist, creating a nice dint. "I told you, I told you not to go to the damn party. But no one ever listens to me. I said nothing good would come of it and now, God damn it; your bitch of a mother is sending you to frigging boarding school in the next. Bloody. State!?" I yelled incredulously.

"We'll still see each other," Casper tried.

I groaned, rubbing my hands over my face; pulling at the skin. "Casper," I whined. "I have to catch a train to get there. It'd take three hours at least. Have you tried reasoning?"
He shot me a dead panned look. I nodded, knowing there was no arguing with Nancy. Oh boy, was I going to give her a mouth full! Casper was my only friend. There was less than half a year left of school, and he'd just gotten his dream girl. Why couldn't he finish senior year here? Damn bitch!

I slammed my hands down on the table which we were sitting at. We were in the empty skate park, before school. "You know what we have to do then," I sighed, trying to hide the mischief off my face.

"What?" He asked slowly, confusion clear on his face.

"Have some damn fun!" I yelled as we ran off towards the school.

                                                                    ~ * * * ~

The halls were empty and the bell had just gone. The doors to classrooms were shutting as first period started.
Once we were sure everyone was in their rooms, we started squirting the several bottles of dish washing liquid over the floors behind us. I sprinkled washing machine powder along the ground as well. Giggling next to Casper as he squeezed the bottle.

On our way to the end, I set up traps above doors with tubs of bubble bath water, so that when they all rushed out of the room, they'd get soaked.

Reaching the end of the hall I grinned at Casper. Together, we smashed the sprinkler button that was labelled 'Emergency Fire Extinguisher'. And soon, water was pouring from the sprinklers, creating bubbles on the ground.

Doors busted open as screams filled the hall.

We laughed hysterically as girls got drenched and peopled slipped on the floors. Teachers rushed out, once seeing our work; figured it was a trick.
The teachers started to come towards us, anger flaring on their faces, but they slipped, making us laugh harder. I nearly pissed my pants as the librarian who had been looking after an English class slipped. She was so evil though! And old.

Mr. Alabaster stalked towards us, somehow avoiding all the slippery stuff. I smirked at Casper who looked a little less uncertain than I did.

"5...4...3...2..." And just like that, a tub of bubble bath fell onto Mr. Alabaster and I fell on my ass, clutching my stomach and laughing so hard it hurt.

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