Chapter 13 - Caught:

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You know what I hate?
Assignments! >:[ Gararararara! Please enjoy...grrr... >_<

Chapter 13:

Lucas's P.O.V:

I was made to do gym, and why? Because the freaking gym teacher wasnn't here and the female staff reckoned that I would be a suitable choice to do the job. And why? I haven't a clue, all I know is that I wasn't ignoring the show; in the short pants and tight shirts.
Heidi hadn't turned up to school, so in biology there was no one to stop Paige from asking me inappropriate questions. Maybe if I gave her a sidewards glance, she'd leave me alone? But then I might get fired...which would suck.

'Maybe if you gave Heidi a sidewards glance, Paige would leave you alone.' My wolf suggested, and I could almost hear a smirk in his tone.
Lame ass...No way in hell was I going to even pay attention to that child. Not when I had Chloe. Not when I had those lovely ladies at the club. And not when I could go to a whore house if I was just that desperate.

Yet here I was, staring at my mate as she walked - almost painfully - across the oval towards us. Her pants were longer than all the other girls, reaching just below her knees; and her shirt was a black, baggy t-shirt which could have fitted me - and still be a little baggy. That's saying something.

My gaze landed on Casper, her friend, who looked seriously worried as he looked at her figure coming over. She reached us and she spoke to him so quiet, even with my heightened hearing, I had trouble picking up her words.

"Hey," She whispered.

"Hey," Casper answered back. "What happened this time?"

"Uh...another fight. At the...skate park. Some girl tried to beat the crap out of me...because her...boyfriend was flirting with me." She answered, looking at the ground - a tell tale sign that she was lying.
There was a purple-green bruise on the left side of her face and some on her legs in lines, as if she'd fallen on wire or bars.

"Seriously? People these days. You okay though?"

"Uh, sure." She rubbed the back of her neck, wincing.

"Alright class!" I shouted, not able to take anymore of the conversation. "Split up. Three forwards, three backs and four centre on each team. Lets go!"

"Sir? What team am I- ah crap. Seriously?"

"Miss. Oakley, do you want another detention?"


"Blue team."

Heidi's P.O.V:
(Later that evening)

I was with Casper in the school, about six o'clock, bags full of paint and our target? The caffetria, of course.
The halls were empty except for us, and we burst through the doors, grinning like children in a toy story. We jumped on the tables and ran around, sraying the paint, creating a sea of colour. Warm colours led to cool colours and we drew buildings as well as a City.
We had been there for two hours at least, and we had started to make some real noise.

I laughed as I sprayed him, and Casper did the same. I hid behind a table, my legs hurting from the beating, but I grinned still.
I jumped up and sprayed his hair. He pushed me down and I rolled like a ninja, my shirt coming up a tiny bit, just in time for the person to see as they shot the doors open; leaving me in amazement that they didn't fall off the hinges.

I got up, to see Mr. Alabaster, and Casper had already run, screaming at me to so the same. I took off, Mr. Alabaster right on my tail.
We sprinted at insane speeds, down the halls, towards an exit. I saw the doors and Casper's body slammed into it to open it. He looked at me, horror stricken, because the doors, weren't opening. He ran to the left, beckoning me to follow once more. Just as I was about to turn the corner, my leg gave way; too much bruising, and I began to fall as Mr. Alabaster's hand grabbed the back of my shirt, tumbling down with me.

My back hit the ground and I groaned as it cracked a little, my head aching. He landed on top of me, arms above my head and legs on either side of mine. I could smell his breath, and I could see the clear rage in his eyes, along with lust.

"Mr. Knight!" He yelled to Casper, eyes still on me. "Don't even bother trying to hide! You're both screwed over!" He growled, getting off of me.

My shirt had ridden up, revealing my stomach, and Mr. Alabaster was eyeing it cautiously, then looking at my face. I pulled the shirt down, embarrassed that my father had beaten me once more. I got up and looked at my shoes.
"Why would you do something like that? On school property?" He asked, annoyed.

"What I do and why I do it is none of your business. Just suspend me, don't call my parents, I'll have to burn the phone." I muttered.

"It is my business, Heidi! You are my business." He growled.

"Rubbish, I want nothing to do with you just like you want nothing to do with me." I said, refering to Chloe.

"Back-chatting as well? I bet your parents will love another phone call." He snarled.

"What is it with you?" I asked, enraged. "Ever since you've come here, my life has become even more stuffed up. Are you something that ties me into limbo? I don't even know what I'm here for anymore!" I threw my hands in the air.

He glared at me, jaw set, eyes of stone. "Stuffed your life up? I'm supposed to make it better! I'm a teacher and your-"

"Don't even say that word, you crazy nut-head. You recon you're a wolf? I recon you're insane. I personally don't give a rats ass if you're my teacher or not. You're an absolute douche!"

"You're an absolute bitch."



"Man whore."


"Really?" I asked sarcastically. "I never would have guessed, seeing you sucking Chloe's face."

"You sound jealous," He smirked.

"Jealous of what? A psychotic cow? She's all like "bitch don't go anywhere near Lucas, he's mine, whore" and then she gives me the look? I'm p-r-e-t-t-y sure I'm not jealous." I paused. "How'd we get to this?"

"Your fault."

"Hey look, a wolf and a unicorn having oral sex!" I pointed behind him and then took off down the hall towards Casper, hoping he would drop it, knowing he wouldn't.


So yeah...that's that chapter, sorry it's so very short...







You guys are mad dawg for reading my stories! If you like this one, check out my other one - Monster Academy <3 xx THANKS!

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