Chapter 14 - The Deep End:

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I feel so bad for not uploading my other story - Monster Academy... So count yourselves lucky! Just joking, but PLEASE tell me WHAT YOU THINK of this story? :'( Please? :)



Chapter 14 - The Deep End:

Heidi's P.O.V:

Three days we'd been suspended for. And the cause? Making the cafeteria look pretty. Assholes. We hadn't even painted anything offensive, it was plain and pure. But no. No, we had to get suspended. We had to get in trouble. We had to get our parents called. And now Nancy - Casper's mother - had a certain hate for me because I'm the 'reckless' one who 'corrupted her boy' and led him into 'trouble'. And that is the reason why only I was receiving a month of detention. Bitch please, your son practically owns me.

I was walking down the hallway towards my locker, when Chris pushed me up against the wall, face contorted with anger. "Goth bitch! It's about time-"

"My name is Heidi, nice to meet you, ass." I said, no emotion showing on my face nor in my voice.

"Bitch," Chris finalized, pausing before he continued. "Tell Casper that if he messes with me again, I'll bash his pretty-boy face in, got it?"

"I'm pretty sure you messed with him first?" I raised my eyebrow.

He snarled, shoving me back hard into the wall again, yet I kept my face vacant. He let go of my shirt, and went to join the group who were laughing at me. They knew that Casper and I had been suspended for the vandalism. Both the lockers and the cafeteria.

I rubbed my neck, cracking it purposely, and continued my walk to my locker.

Biology was going to suck, because it was Mr. Alabaster who had caught us, and it was in that class that Paige sat. It was also Sex ED for the next month or so, so I had a feeling that I was - almost certainly - going to die.

Walking through the door, five minutes after the bell had rung, Mr. Alabaster started up on me, "Why are you late, yet again, miss Oakley?"

"I walk slow."

"Try to be faster, because if you have another tardie, you'll end up with me for another detention on top of that months worth, are we clear?"

I groaned, plunking down into my chair at the back. "Yeah," I sighed, dropping my head onto my arms lying on the desk.


And so he began with the lesson. The unit of Sex Ed we were doing this week was called 'Risky Behaviours and Dangerous Out-comes'. Kind of stupid, if you ask me.

Risky behaviour? Unprotected sex. Pornography.

Dangerous out-comes? well as STD's I guess...and the occasional stalker.

We all knew it. But yet we were learning about it. Freaking curriculum. And so, I watched painfully as condoms were passed around to each student and how Mr. Alabaster slid one onto a banana. I mean, a banana? I'm pretty sure that penises aren't curvy, unless you have a penis problem. Of course.

Everyone was giggling, even though half the class had already had sex, it still looked rather funny watching Mr. Alabaster putting it on. seedy!

"Okay, a risky behaviour." He said, putting the banana down and rubbing the diagram of a males reproductive system off the black board. (As we were discussing the condom...)

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