Chapter 29 - The Mark:

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Sorry, this is a bit of a filler... ):

Chapter 29 - The Mark:

Heidi's P.O.V:

I walked through the halls, feeling better. I could breathe, and it felt really good. Somehow, mating had made me have more confidence... Or I was just messed in the head. Both probably. Did it matter? Not really.

Graduation was tonight, and Prom was tomorrow night. At first, I wasn't going to go to Prom, then the principal said that I could ditch my cleaning duties and perform on the night. When you get an offer like that, you wouldn't turn it down, so I was going to beg the rest of the band to come to the school tomorrow.

Casper and I had been the only ones in the band who were still in school, so you can understand how much begging I had to do to get them to walk back into the halls of a high school. A lot.

I was shoved up against the lockers, only to look up into Danny's eyes. Scowling, I pushed him backwards. "What's your problem?" I hissed.

"You're ruining the view." He shrugged, smirking.

"What bloody view, the view of Paige's fat ass? She may as well rip off that so called skirt of her's and give you a freaking lap dance. I'm sure she's more than willing, so leave me alone, mother fucker," I yelled.

Paige turned around and scowled at me. "Bitch!"

"Only stating the obvious, whore," And with that, I shoved Danny away some more and headed towards my locker.

Groaning, I took out my books and slammed the door shut. Jade was getting her books too. She glanced over at me, then averted her eyes to the ground and sent me a small smile. After that, she hurried off down the hall.

This had been happening ever since the Day Of Pranks. I sighed, and walked off to the Biology room. People passed me, smirking and laughing. I was the joke of the school, even after I'd done the worst thing is the school's history.

But it was Paige and Danny's faults. They'd started spreading more rumours, as if it weren't enough. Shaking my head, I walked into the class room quietly, Lucas writting something down on a piece of paper.

I sat on my desk at the back, gazing at Lucas. His eyes met mine and he smiled, but his smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong?"

"People," I shook my head. "Doesn't matter."

Lucas gave me a sympathetic smile. "Looking forward to Prom?"

"Ugh," I groaned. "At least I'm only going for a little while, apparently it's a stupid Christmas-Masquerade theme. Poop."

"Hey, Prom isn't that bad. I remember when I used to go, it was always fun." He wriggled his eye brows suggestively.

"Yeah, but you were Mr. Popular, I'm Ms. Reject." Lucas sighed.
He began writing some of the information on the board with some diagrams. We were starting on the human body. This was going to be entertaining. I laughed at the next sentence. "Mr. Alabaster, you spelt 'penis' wrong."

He turned at shot me a playful glare, before fixing his mistake. "Checked your mark yet?" He looked at me from the corner of his eye.

I blinked. "Why?"

He shrugged, "it has a tendency to...change."

"Change?" I asked, pulling at the neck line of my shirt. "What do you mean?" Struggling with the shirt, I gave up and tossed the stupid thing off. I hunched over in a manner so that I could see it. But I growled, not being able to see anything but a--- what the?

I brought my hand to the place where he bit. A soft pleasure erupted in my body, but not like when he stroked it. Trailing my hands down from the bite, I could feel the tribal patterns under my fingers, that went down to my breast, then around my arm before curling around on my shoulder blade.

I looked at him, surprised. Lucas just stared at the mark, a satisfied, sexy smile upon his lips as he narrowed his eyes slightly. He admired the mark, before meeting my eyes. "Never seen one as good as mine. Do you like it?"

I blushed, nodding. Did I like it? I loved it. It was like a tattoo. Except, Lucas had given it to me. I sighed, tossing my shirt on. "I'll be back in a second." I slid off the desk before heading out to the bathroom so I could see it.

Pushing the door open, I stripped my shirt off. The bell went, making me jump, then I looked into the mirror. The bite itself was a reddish-brown but the tribal mark was bronze, and shone like it was metalic.

'You can masterbate by rubbing your neck, isn't that cool!?' My wolf laughed.

Shaking my head, I turned around and looked at my back. The mark had curled into what looked like - a wing. Which took up my whole shoulder blade and below.
Who knew a bite could do such a thing?

Throwing my shirt back on, I headed out to Biology.
The halls were nearly empty when I pushed the door open. Danny snickered. Oh, that boy had something real nasty coming to him. And it was going to hit home. Home being his 'penis'. The dick had no idea how angry at him I was. And I had a good feeling he'd only find out when I beat the silt out of him.

"You're late," Lucas said, giving me a playful look.

I shrugged. "What's new?"

"The fact that you have detention with me after school,"

I shot him a wide smile. "Great,"

Walking back to my seat, I spotted Paige's leg out in an attempt to trip me. I stopped just in front of her leg, acting like I was tying up my shoe lace. I grabbed her ankle and twisted it, pushing back and laughing as she landed ungracefully on the ground behind the desk.

The class sneered, then laughed. Paige was sprawled out on the floor, trying to get up. "Ms. Oakley! Lunch time detention too!"

I chuckled. "Fine with me,"

                                                               ~ * * * ~

"I can't believe you actually made me come to the lunch time detention," I exclaimed, playing with his hair. "She tried to trip me in the first place." He moaned as I massaged his scalp. Lucas leaned back, smirking at me mischievously. "What?"

"You're such a bad, little girl. Maybe I'll have to teach you some lessons tonight." He grinned, the sexy way that I had come to like.

Not much."I poked my tongue out. "Sorry, graduation."

"Ugh, I have to make a speech. What should I say?"

"That it was a pleasure to meet everyone and that it was awesome getting the opportunity to teach us?" I suggested.

He shook his head. "What would I do without you?"

I shrugged. "Not much."

Merry Christmas, by the way!!!






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