Chapter 28 - Where We Belong:

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Chapter 28 - Where We Belong:

Lucas's P.O.V:

'Ah, finally!' My wolf howled in ecstasy.

My jaws were set on her neck, marking her innocent skin. Her pure blood flowed into my mouth, making me groan. It tasted so good, her flesh and blood. She moved under me, and I could hear her cries of bliss.

After I had licked the wound dry, I dragged my lips up to hers. As soon at the contact was made, she kissed me passionately, making my wolf as happy as Larry. Who was Larry? I needed to find out, because when I was with Heidi, we could probably relate and be best friends. Although, every time I heard the name 'Larry', I thought of a lamb, or sheep. What the...?

Then it all slowed down. Our clothes shed as if they walked off themselves. The A Team by Ed Sheeran played quietly from my radio across the room. I held her face as she looked at me with adoration.

Soon we were naked, and I looked at her body. She was a wonderland. Her soft toes, her smooth legs, her hips, her stomach, breasts, her neck and jaw line, her lips. Then her nose, big, innocent eyes and her long locks of silky hair.

Heidi's face took up my vision as she smiled, kissing me softly as if she were passing messages through her lips. And every message, I picked up.

I was poised at her entrance, and went in. [A/N: HAHAHAHA!........ *dies*] Her cries were lost as I created my own slow, caring rhythm. This was the best sex I'd ever had. We were now mated and making sweet love to each other. How sweet it was. She belonged to me.

All her troubles and problems, were mine. And I welcomed each one of them. Because Heidi was worth it. All my one night stands, my man whoring, was nothing compared to this. I didn't know what it was called - but I liked it.

After our ejaculations and the climax, we layed down, and Heidi fell asleep. I stared at her angelic face as I drifted off to sleep, breathing in her scent of baby shampoo.

I needed to know what this was called.

Heidi's P.O.V:

I rolled over, feeling the warm-ness of Lucas's chest. I ran my hands down it, making him chuckle, letting me know he was awake. I looked up, and smiled.

"Thank you," I whispered, kissing him gently to let him know I meant it.

                                                    ~ * * * ~

It had started to snow. Letting me know that it was nearly Christmas. I missed mum, and I missed dad, I missed Edge and Dred as well. I knew I'd be with them all again soon, and I had an amazing person to keep my company while I waited.

I gazed up to Lucas. We were walking down the crowded streets of the city. The moon was high and the city was a light with the brightness of the many bulbs that made it magical. Snow fell softly from the sky, and I was wrapped in a warm jumper and beanie.

Our hands were keeping each others warm, and we made our way to a very familiar alley for me. A little diner sat at the end of the darkness.
As we reached the door, I opened it to be met with the sound of indie bands and soft, coloured fairy lights strewn along the ceiling. Sending a smile to Harry - a waiter which I knew well - and sat in farthest booth in the room. This booth may as well have had my name written on it. I used it all the time, so why not? You could survey the whole room from here.

 Harry came over and smiled at us. He was about thirty, with blond hair and caring, brown eyes that smiled along with his mouth. "Hey Heidi," He grinned. "Who's this?" He looked over at Lucas in a friendly way.

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