Chapter 6 - Nighttime Coming:

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Chapter 6 – Nighttime Coming:


Mr. Alabaster’s P.O.V:


Ms. Oakley – or better known as; Heidi – sat in front of me, frowning down at the grade eight tests. Her tiny left hand held the pen in slender, graceful, pale fingers which tapped the base of the pen while trying to figure out if the answer was correct.
Her lip was still red and swollen, just asking for trouble.

I couldn’t help but feel attracted to the human; with her pale complexion – which had just been ruined by Paige and was now red and blotchy – and her raven hair, sitting in waves and loose curls, begging to be stroked.
But what really had be going, were her eyes. They were golden, golden with specks of different colours adorning her orbs. The colour was unusual and strange, unique like her; and just as mesmerizing as her voice.
Maybe I was turning into a pedophile.

Yet all the while, I couldn’t figure out what it was that made me so attracted, so drawn to the young female to the point where I considered seeking help. She was a child, and I was a man.

She wrote something down on the paper and brought the next one up to her after placing the previous paper onto her ‘marked’ pile.
Heidi bit her lip as she continued to tap the pen, and then checked her watch. Shrugging, she focused her gaze back onto the paper.

“Sir, what is this?” She asked, pushing the sheet forward and pointing to the question.

“It’s just like the other one you asked me about ten minutes ago,” I chuckled. “The answer is ‘B’, like all the others.”

She frowned at the paper, than blushed. “Oh,” she breathed.

I nearly laughed at how innocent her face was.
And to think that she was taking a whole bunch of hits just half an hour ago. Shit, someone had beaten the crap out of her. Why didn’t she want me calling her parents? Were they strict? Were they protective?
I kept on glancing at her from the paper, making sure she was still there.

But her eyes met mine, as she gazed up at me through her thick eye lashes. “What do you want?” She huffed.

“What don’t I want?” I threw her words back at her like a missile.

“I can think of some things, like…gee…my fist implanted in your face.” She replied sarcastically.

“What makes you think I don’t want that?” I smirked, flipping my hair to mock all the other boys at the school.

“That’s what she said.” She muttered as she turned her attention back to the paper. She checked her watch again and sighed. “Is detention over? I’ve been here for over two hours and I really need to go.”

So her parents were over protective. “Yeah, okay. If you want I can give you a ride home? Just for my favorite student.” I coughed after the last remark.

“No need, I have to go to work. Besides, why would I get into a car with you?” She accused.

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