Chapter 9 - Too sudden, Too Messed Up:

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Chapter 9 – Too Sudden, Too Messed Up:

Heidi’s P.O.V:

Mr. Alabaster had a girlfriend, named Chloe. Mr. Alabaster’s name was Lucas. Mr. Alabaster kissed his girlfriend, whose name was Chloe. Mr. Alabaster was good looking. Mr. Alabaster was insane!?

The guy was talking about was talking about wolves and ‘shifting’. What did that even mean? And packs?

I had seen a movie about how a girl falls in love with a vampire, but then falls in love with a werewolf – who belongs to a pack.

Was Mr. Alabaster talking about a play? Was he a drama teacher outside of school? Was Chloe his student? Had they rehearsed a scene? I mean, I felt something supernatural! Am I nuts?


I jumped two feet in the air as another few shocks of thunder sounded throughout the town. I hated storms.

I was rushing home on my board, trying to keep the books dry. But there was no hope. I was soaked through and the rain was getting heavier. The moon lit my way as I ran home – board in hand – and just when I thought I was nearly there, the house was no where to be seen. The moon was bright enough to be able to see what was in front of me - but no house.

I truly was nuts.

I ran into the woods, dropping my board, stupid as it seemed. But something in there was calling me. My legs pushed me further and further through the forest, no thoughts crossing my mind but to get into the forest.

The storm continued, getting heavier and heavier.

Each sound, a crack from a stick or crunch of a leaf, a crash of the thunder or a sway of the tree; I flinched. The sounds became louder, and the once freezing air had turned hot, as I broke into a sweat, wetting me more than the rain.

My boots came off some how, and I dropped the books. I ran faster and deeper into the woods. Pants escaped my lips in rasps as I sprinted into the darkness.

But almost like I knew it would happen, knew it was to come; pain shot through my body. Dropping like a rock, my body let out spasms as my muscles ached and changed, the hot, white, pain flowed through my veins like poison.

Lucas’s P.O.V:

Sighing hopelessly, I sat on the edge of my bed and watched as Chloe slept. She said she was ‘far too tired to have sex’ with me tonight and now I was sulking from the de-climax. She was wearing underwear and one of my shirts – which was baggy on her. Her chest rose and fell, and her hands were tucked under my pillow.

Rain fell angrily on the roof, creating the only noise around. I lay down, shutting my eyes and enjoying the peace of the situation. The storm let up a tiny bit, and the water gushed down the pipes. Thunder crashed and the room shook a little. But it fell quiet again.

It was almost silent, until I heard a howl from a wolf. It wasn’t a normal howl that we do just to show off to our mates, it was a howl of pain. I shot up out of the bed and walked quietly over to the window.

The moon was glowing and I saw nothing out of the ordinary. The cry was far away, near the forest. I hoped it had been a joke, just some teenaged wolves restyling. But I knew it wasn’t. Something told me it was serious, and this was my turf.

Several situations flashed through my mind as I drove as far as I could then began to run.

1) Teenagers, not likely though.

2) A werewolf hunter.

3) Another pack on our land and had been hurt.

I shifted and sought out my friend and beta – Jet’s – mind. He welcomed me into his mind and I knew he was playing a game of pool in the pack house.

”Jet, is everyone alright?”

”Yeah, why? What’s going on?”

”There’s a wolf hurt in the forest. Any ideas?”

”Everyone said that tonight they were staying in, full moon was too weird tonight.”

”What the fuck? I swear I heard something.”

”Yeah me too…Do you know what it is?”

”Jet,” I whined. “I wouldn’t be asking if I knew, retard.”

“Oh…Well good luck, tell me if you need any help.”

”Will do…oh, by the way, if you kick Eric’s ass in pool, I’ll give you ten dollars, okay?”


I sprinted full pelt through the woods, picking up the unique scent. Another howl was released into the night. I was getting close and the smell was getting stronger. I ran past a pair of footwear as I continued ahead.

Another hundred meters ahead, I saw a wolf.

It lay on the musty ground, convulsing as spasms took control of its body. It whimpered as it curled into a ball as bones cracked and its short hair grew. Its coat was midnight but blue tinted. The further down its legs it became a dark brown until its paws were auburn with small patches of white. It shook as it growled and whimpered, another howl escaping its jaws.

I stood there, wary and observed the wolf. It was the most beautiful wolf I’d ever seen, and because of its size, I decided it was a female. But even for a female, it was small. After about ten minutes, it became quiet and stopped convulsing.

Opening its eyes a little bit, its golden orbs surprised me. Golden eyes were so rare. I had only ever seen it once or twice. Heidi’s eyes were gold, but she was a human.

It was at this moment, that my wolf punched my shoulder and gave me 'the-look', suggesting that this was my mate.

The wolf stood, then fell; its eyes closing as it passed out.

I creeped slowly up to it, tapping it with my paw, just to check if it was really unconscious. Throwing it onto my back, I began to run back to the pack house.

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