Chapter 8 - Library Meeting:

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Heidi's P.O.V:

I flopped down on the creaky, old, wired bed and let out a sigh. Pete had hit me earlier this morning and the whole 'oh-you're-a-slut-*slaps*- stupid-bitch' thing was really starting to become annoying. So I climbed back out my window and down the lattice, then running out the front and jumping on my board on my way to the library.

The cool night air rushed past me in walls of energy as I stuffed my hands into my pockets. I was so tired. I had pulled two all night-ers, serving at the club because someone quit their weekend job. As soon as I'd gotten home at seven in the morning, Pete had confronted me. Sure; I was getting payed more, but it was taking its toll after just two nights. Every weekend I'd have to do it.
The club reminded me of Mr. Alabaster. I could lose my job! Insert the hysterical crying! I growled as some cars passed me.

Had he told anyone? What if he got me suspended from school? What if I lost my job!? Was he planning to blackmail me?

A thousand questions raced through my head as I chased the pavement towards the library - the windows a light, like my beam of hope.
Kicking up my board, I rushed into the library and went to fantasy section. Stealing a book from the shelf, I sat down in a dark corner, relaxing and letting my walls fall down.

Soon enough, something supernatural walked through the door.

Mr. Alabaster's P.O.V:

I jogged up the stairs into the library, silently hoping that she would forget about meeting me here. Chloe Braxton. A sexy, hot headed slut with boobs you could suck on all day long. I had planned to do that four years ago, but she disappeared. I still remember her - clear as day. Long, straight, dark brown hair and a tan the cheerleaders which I taught couldn't reach - too hard, too dark. Of course, her body was molded to perfection, and she flirted like crazy. She had only ever loved one man...and that man had happened to be me.
I remember seeing her kissing several jocks in high school, trying to make me jealous. But I wouldn't. She was a half werewolf, don't even ask me how. But her genes had been stuffed up. She couldn't have a mate. Unlike a human or werewolf - even a  vampire. But she could love, and that's what she did.

But four years ago, she had gone missing. The pack had said she ran over the boarder, others claimed she'd left the country.
But I knew why. The police were after her because she set a church on fire. Strange, but that's what she had done. I knew that the police would drop it after six months, but she never showed up.

I don't know how much she's changed, if she still likes me or not, but all I knew is that I smelt her ten minutes after I had walked in the door.

Turning my head away from the shelf of books of which I was 'browsing' I caught sight of her. She wore denim short's and a revealing shirt which looked too open for a human to wear mid Autumn. Chloe looked taller, despite the fact she was wearing heals, but her green eyes sought mine and she let a sexy grin toke hold of her face.

Sauntering towards me, she sat at the opposite end of the coffee table - away from anyone reading. "Long time no see, you haven't changed much. Just taller and more muscly. How are you, Lucas?"

I smirked. "Not too bad, yourself?"

"I'm...energetic." She purred.

I let my eyes roam over her body. I could smell her excitement from my stairs. "Indeed." My smirk widened. "So," I began, all seriousness rushing to my voice. "What did you want?"

Her face set in stone. "You know what I want, Lucas."

"Chloe, I-"

"Can't? I know. What I meant was...I need a pack." She said, voice steady. "It's becoming annoying, I can't run alone anymore. My wolf is beginning to fade. I'm having trouble shifting and soon I fear, I won't be able to anymore." She explained. "I feel so stupid. I can't mate. I won't be able to shift. And getting money has become..." Chloe seached for the right work, then it clicked. "Troublesome."

"Prostitution?" I asked.

"I'm not that much of a slut." She grinned. "But if you want, I am in need of some money." Chloe winked.
Rain started to fall on the roof, dripping in the down pipe and frogs began to croak.

"An old friend can't even have it for free? You're killing me." I joked, then thought. She needed a pack. The pack I was in - or rather, owned - was spread out all over the state. We were one of the most powerful packs in the history of werewolves. But even though the power my pack held, other packs looked down on me. I was twenty-five and I had no mate.
The pack believed it was fine, that a mate would only weaken me. I was tied, but not bothered, because I hadn't found my mate...yet. "Alright. You can join. I'll help you with your wolf, I'm sure it's not going to leave you. It's in your genes, Chloe."

"I sure hope so...Thank you so much." She exclaimed, leaning forward - giving me a good look of her cleavage - and kissed me.
That's better! She wasn't sloppy, and he[A/N: In-case you are weird, he's talking about his...doodle.] was getting a little buzz. She licked my lips and I opened my mouth. Chloe took control of the kiss which was rather hot. I huffed into her mouth, letting out a quiet growl, before she leaned back. She gave me that sexy grin and I showed her my smirk.

"Save it for later, Sweetie." She winked, standing. "Same house?" She asked seductively.

I grinned in excitement for some real action. "Yes, and the inmates are gone...Unless you wanted to stay at the pack house? It's fifteen minutes away?"

"Can't I stay with you?"

"Sure, but...I have to leave in the mornings." I rubbed my neck. "I'm a teacher."

"Really?" She smirked. I nodded as she left towards the door. "Maybe you could teach me something. Bye, Lucas."

Fuck yes, I will. Romeo meets Juliet, bookworms are reading books, rubgy boys are playing rugby and my penis is going to see some vagina! Insert happy dance/lap dance here!
I smirked, watching her ass as she walked out. This was going to be fun.

I thought back to the discussion. She couldn't mate. What if I never found my mate? Would I end up with Chloe? What if I actually found my mate, though? Would she be a wolf? What if she was a vampire...or a human? What if my mate wasn't female!?

Just as that thought had poped into my head, a lady said it was closing time over a loud speaker and Heidi walked quietly out from behind the farthest book wall, holding two books and her head was down. Her shoes scuffed along the carpet as she walked slowly without even noticing me. She was that tired?

She walked up to the counter and hired the books, then turning to leave.
People walked out before her, and I heard the rain falling hard. The door slid open and I saw lightning strike the sky through the crack. Heidi walked out, clutching the books to her and walked down the stairs holding...a skateboard?

I left, towards my car and caught a glimpse of her on the skateboard, leaving east. Her hair was already glued to her head and her clothes clung to her in the wet. I only just realized how good her figure was. She was always wearing baggy shirts, but her boobs were quite large.
Here I am, checking out my student. I really am a pedophile.

She was about fifteen meters away from me now and thunder filled my ears. She flinched and skated along faster.
Was she scared of storms or something?

Looking up, the full moon shown through the thick layer of clouds, and an eerie feeling settled over me. I jumped in my car and drove home, hoping that Chloe was still one of the best at sex after four years.


So I hope you like it. Am I going too fast with the story line? @#$%^#!@$%^&*@ $ >_< TELL ME!!!






xx <3

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