Chapter 3 - Missing Edge

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Chapter 3 - Missing Edge:

I ended up at the skate park with Casper, taking swags of alcohol and pulling stunts on our boards. It was becoming cooler as the day progressed. I knew for a fact that going home tonight would be rather dangerous and stupid, seeing as Pete would most likely beat me. Either him or Lindsey, she'd done it before.
I was going to see Edge tonight, so I stopped drinking and started to skate in an attempt to sober up. Doing flips and shit [A/N: Quote from Lonely Island ;] Hehehehe] I skated around, the teen-aged men watching me like I was a bull at a gate.
Not being cocky, but I wasn't the worst skater.

Casper soon joined me and we were doing tricks together that we had created ourselves, spinning around each other and jumping past sides.
Soon I was sitting on my board with a headache, coasting through the park. The sun was slipping past the hills and I knew I had to get going.

"Hey Casper, I have to go see Edge, wanna come?" I rubbed my temples.

He sat down beside me and kicked his board up the ramp and back. "Yeah okay, how old is he soon?"

"Three," I shut my eyes. "Do you mind if I sleep at your place tonight? I don't want to go home, Pete will be cross." Casper knew Pete was an alcoholic, but what he didn't know is that the stupid creep beat me.

"Sure, I need some help with the math homework I got yesterday anyway." He laughed, standing and helping me up.


I knocked on the door, nervous as I rubbed circles into my hands as I waited for someone to answer the door. Casper laughed at my facial expression as Philip answered the door.

"Hey guys, come on in." He grinned, backing away from the door frame.
His sand, blond hair was in a messy state and he was wearing old jeans and a long singlet. I'm pretty sure he was 26 this year, and was going for the Pro Surfer's Cup in summer. He was a good looking bloke, and he suited Morgan well.
Morgan walked out of the kitchen, Edge on her hip. Her shoulder length, chestnut coloured hair sat in waves and her green-hazel eyes sparkled as she pranced around in a pretty dress.

"Hey Heidi! How you been?" She handed Edge to me and soluted Casper enthusiastically. Sometimes I wondered what Morgan was smoking, others I wished I had what she was smoking. Clearly, she didn't smoke. Insert the fake sigh.

"Good, you?" I tickled Edge as I looked at her.
Edge's giggle filled my ears and I grinned at everyone in the room.

"Brilliant! I finally published my book. I'm getting a lot of money from it along with my job!" She twirled as if she were 5.
I smiled and turned to Casper who was already sitting on the couch with Philip; playing COD 4. "Are you having dinner with us? I made extra cabbage rolls, just for you." She smiled.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I really shouldn't, Morgan, I mean-" The glare I recived from her made me remember the term 'if looks could kill'. "Ah...Sure!"

"Great! Well they're almost done so go wash up and try to drag the guys away from the game." She said as she danced her way back to the kitchen.

I looked up at the ceiling as I sighed, walking to the bathroom.
Setting Edge down on the bench, I took the cake of soap in my hands. "So how you been, Buddy?"

"Good." He grinned, tooting the train-whistle in his mouth.
He had brown hair - unlike my black hair - in the same curls as mine and electric blue eyes instead of my bright green eyes. We shared the same pale complexion as our mother and he had a slightly chubby body - as a 2 and a half year old does. He was wearing  a green shirt and overalls along with some tiny black Volleys.

"So how's school?" Philip asked.

I glanced at Casper. "Good," I answered slowly. "School is good."

"How's studies?" Morgan jumped in enthusiastically.

Casper snorted as I answered with less of a straight face. "Great."

"Morgie?" Edge asked as she turned her gaze kindly towards him.

"Yes Edge?"

"Can I go play with Casper?"

"Sure," she grinned at him and shot Casper a -if-you-don't-make-the-kid-happy-you-will-die look, but Casper jumped off the stool and headed out with Edge.

It went silent for a few minutes and I knew that they were going to ask me a favour, something hard to do or handle.
They had done this to me several times before, but now I knew what was to come of the silences. I looked up awkwardly from my bowl and glanced at them. "Yes?" I asked in a small voice.

Philip let out a sigh. "We're worried about you, Heidi. We just think that you shouldn't be living with an alcoholic as a father. Men are capable of a lot of things when they're intoxicated."

"It's all good," I blinked, eyes wide and innocent. "Pete is cool, he leaves me alone. I hardly ever talk to him." I lied, once again rubbing circles into my hands under the table.

Morgan looked at me cautiously. "We only have half a year left with Edge." My gaze shot to her. "We're trying to get another two years," She explained. A child was held in possession of an adult for two years with foster care, and then was moved to another person or family. I hated the system. But the main problem was, is that they had stuffed everything up with Edge. It has been a year and a half - more or less - since our mother had passed away. But Edge had been to three different families during that time; including Morgan and Philip.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded. "Half a year."

I was now standing and I kicked the chair into the bench. "They can't fucking do that!" I yelled pointed to the phone given to foster families which was now ringing. "They've stuffed everything up enough, can't they leave him in one place?" I started pacing the space as Morgan grabbed the phone and left the kitchen, shutting the door behind her.

"Heidi, it's not like yelling will fix anything," Philip tried to reason.

I stopped and stared at him. "That kid," I pointed to the door. "Deserves to have great parents. He deserves a great fucking life. But these people are stuffing it up while he's still little." I growled. "If they continue for another few years he'll be mind fucked and will start drugs." I shoved a finger to the side of my head. "You need a clear mind, but if you shift kids around to much it fucks everything up." I glared at the window.
I somehow sunk down back into the chair after five minutes of glaring at the ground and dropped my head into my left arm's hand which was supported by the bench. "What do we do?" I sighed, letting out a humorless laugh.

"We try harder," Morgan said as she appeared in the room once more.


Sorry my chapters are so short, my original computer died and so I have to write my stories (currently) online. Sorry, sorry, sorry!
Sorry again, Kate~! xx


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