Chapter 12 - Missy:

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Chapter 12 - The Evil Nick-Name:

Heidi's P.O.V:

"How do I wake her up?" Someone whispered.

"I don't know, jump on her?" Another person said, a lot louder.

Hold the phone...where was I? Was I in my house? Am I still dreaming? I rolled on my side groggily, and as soon as I did, light hit my face. I jumped up, startled from the light - hair flying around my face as the air rushed past me.
I looked down to see that I was in the bed I had fallen asleep in the night before. Pinching myself just to make sure I was really awake, I let out a tiny ''ouch" from.

Someone chuckled and I turned to see Jet and Mr. Alabaster. "What are you doing here? I'm supposed to be asleep. Why am I still wearing some elephant sized shirt and why and I still here?" My eyes went wide as the men just rolled theirs.

"That's my elephant sized shirt you're wearing, Missy." Mr. Alabaster said, clearly not over joyed at my choice of words.

"Fatty," I grumbled as I looked back at the sheet covering me. "Why are you in here anyway?"

"Why not?" Jet teased while winking at me.

Mr. Alabaster punched his friend's arm and looked at me, "You have to get to school, Missy. Have you gone into a state of 'short-term-memory-loss' or are you just plain dumb?"

"A-ha-ha-ha," I answered sarcastically. "You're so gosh darn funny." I dead panned him.

"I know," He grinned like a child. "Now get up, Missy!"

"I'm not going to school today, I couldn't be bothered."

"I'll call your parents."

"I'll kick your ass."

"I'll tap your ass," Jet added and I rolled my eyes. Even though he had a mate - if they are actually wolves and not just feeding me lies and turning me insane too - he liked to make flirty jokes. But it made him seem laid back.

"Get up, Missy."

"Quit calling me that! I'm not going to school, okay? I have to go see someone." I growled, throwing the covers back and walking past the guys towards the door. I started marching down the busy hallway and stopped at the stairs.
I jogged back to the room, the guys laughing at me as I made my appearance. "Something wrong, missy?"

"Yes, actually," I frowned and Mr. Alabaster stopped chuckling. "Where are we? Are we even in town?"

"She likes her questions, hey?" Jet smirked.

"Yes, we're about a kilometer from where I found you in the woods."

My eyes became the size of saucers. "You founds me in the woods? Did I do something stupid?...Was I wearing clothes?" I blushed.

"You were in your wolf form," He said simply.

"I'm not a wolf, but thanks...a kilometer." I muttered as I walked back towards the stairs and out the door I had exited last night. The cool air wrapped around me, raising goosebumps and hairs all over my body. It was definitely getting closer to winter and I was wearing Mr. Alabaster's stupid, big shirt. But the smell of it was keeping my company.
He smelt like Lynx and soap. Crisp yet snugly.

Was that a mad house? Had I lost it in the woods and Mr. Alabaster was running the place? He certainly looked like it when he was making out with one of the prettiest people I've seen. But her beauty didn't match my mother.
No, my mother was gorgeous. She had the same eyes as mine, but strangely enough they would change to green occasionally. A mystery much like herself. She had once been naturally ginger, but dyed it a red/pink. Her hair was long and wavy like mine, and I had obtained my pale complexion from her as well.
No, no one could ever be equal to her.

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