Chapter 15 - Evil, Popular and Horny:

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 Chapter 15 - Evil, Popular and Horny:

 Heidi's P.O.V:

 I was so tired. It was one-thirty am, an my whole body ached. After I had changed back, I had slunk upstairs and laid on my bed.  

Pete and Lindsey were out of the house, probably at the 'warehouse' and wouldn't be back for a day or two. My long hair was glossy, and clean - unexpected because I had been running in wolf form. I was still trying to get used to it.

 My mouth felt dry, so I walked slowly down the stairs, taking one at a time; rubbing my eyes. The third one to the bottom creaked and bent under my weight. 

Frowning, I opened my eyes and looked down at it. I doubled over slowly and looked at it from the front, and there was a gap between the board and actual stair of which you stepped on.

 I raised my foot, and bashed the piece of wood in, weaker than the others. How had I never noticed that before? Sure it was an old house, but...seriously? 

Removing the pieces of wood, receiving unkind splinters, I discovered a large, cardboard box. On the top it said 'Phoenix' mothers name.

 Carefully, I pulled it out, and blew the dust off of the top. I retreated to my room, and opened the box. Inside, were some of her dresses - which were either tie-dyed or covered in soft green and orange flowers. A brown, woven belt was sewed onto a denim and flowered dress. 

Oh yes, my mother truly was from the 60's. And she never gave it up. I smiled at that.

 I kept digging, finding some of her jewelry; necklaces, anklets and what-not. Books of which she's writen her songs in. One of her sketchpads which was filled with - what was once - colour and life, she's draw onto the pages.

 A pair of her cow boy boots, converse and Gypsy thongs were at the bottom along with two head bands, a camera, and a photo album. She'd once been a photographer, but given it up when she fell pregnant with Edge. When dad got cancer.

 A leather covered book was at the bottom, and other strange and intriguing things. I missed mum. I missed dad. I missed Edge and my big brother Dred. He'd moved to Scotland when dad passed, leaving us. I still loved him though. I always would.

 I remember, mum had wanted to call me 'Raven' or 'Freedom' go with the unique names of my brothers. But no, dad had chosen my name. Heidi. I guess I didn't mind that much.

 In the photo album was pictures of flowers and the beach, my brothers and I. There was one with my family running on the beach, one of me on my red bike. Friends and family, that I had lost when mum died.

 I smiled though. 

Looking at the picture of my mother, grinning and pulling the 'peace' sign, bending over at the beach, I decided. 

Her pinky-red hair was flowing in the breeze, and I knew what I wanted to do. I missed my family. So I was going to make my own. Or at least, let go of the past, but keep the special memories.

 So I left the house on my board to the shops, at 2 in the morning, a mission set in my head.

 ~ * * * ~

 I arrived at school, seeking out Casper, as I quietly made my way down the busy halls. People stared, people whispered and most of all - people wondered. 

I wore the 60's denim top, flower skirted dress with the belt holding it in place. I had the denim, paint splattered converse on and my hair was pinky-red. And for the first time in years, I was wearing my big, glasses. For the first time in years, I was wearing my hair out. No one in high school had seen it out.

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