Chapter 22 - God Knows How:

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Chapter 22 - God Knows How:

Lucas's P.O.V:

The car rolled slowly to a stop as I got out of the car and went to the other side to get Heidi. My arms slid carefully under her smooth legs and lifted her from the seat, before shutting the door with my foot. Her head was turned away from me, looking around the garage silently.

Her fingertips played with her lips, hand close to her mouth as if she were nervous.

Glancing down, I took her in fully. The dress was revealing and appealing, showing off her slim legs and if I looked down; her breasts too. It was a sight to see. But she was so skinny. If I were a doctor, I'd be worried. I was worried. But everything about her drew me in.

I walked into the empty pack house, apart from a few adults and their kids. The pack had gone in to town tonight, and that's when I picked up Heidi's scent.

Why she'd been at a party - drunk - had me clueless. I thought she was the type to stay away from those things. Even if she was a smart assed girl who worked as a bartender/strip teaser. Oh, I must remember to ask her about that later.

But honestly, the populars went to the parties. Not Heidi. And alone? Unless she'd gone with that boy she was always hanging out with. Charis? Casey? Casper?

I went up the stairs quietly, hoping I wouldn't wake anyone up.

Taking her to the room she'd borrowed a few times, I set her down on the bed softly. "Do you want a shower?" I asked, folding my arms; restraining myself from making contact.

Heidi's head bobbed up and down in her response. "What if I slip?" She asked after a few minutes.

Sighing, I knew she was right. I picked her up again, taking her down the hall to my room. "That's okay," I said. "There's a bath in my room."

I kicked the door open and went to the bathroom, before putting her down on the toilet. I turned on the taps and Heidi slid off the toilet seat onto the tiled floor with a small 'bump'. Looking over to check she was okay, her legs were pulled slowly to her chest by her arms.

"You okay?" I crouched down beside her.

She shook her head and her body quaked a little. I looked at her legs properly. Bruises dotted them and scrapes made the skin red. How the heck did I miss that?

"Heidi, it's just me here. No one can hurt you." I murmured comfortingly.

She looked up, searching for my eyes. Even in her drunken state, the intensity of her gaze was sober. "Am I fat?" She asked.

My brows knitted together, shooting her a weird look. "You're as skinny as a rake. Why would you ask that?"

"Am I a bitch, or a whore?" She slurred, leaning against the wall and letting out a little yawn.

"Why are you asking me this? You're not either of those." I exclaimed.

She sighed, "Am I ugly?"

I frowned, why was she asking these stupid questions? Even if she was a child. And even in if I had Chloe, she was still an awe striking, pretty person. The answers were irrelevant. I could show her how amazing she was. She should know how awesome she is.

"Am I?"

I shook my head. "You're beautiful, Heidi." The words rolled off my tongue as if they were supposed to do that. Like I had been wanting to say it for a long time. Scratching the back of my head, I puffed. "Do you want the bath?"

She staggered to her feet and wobbled her way over to the bath. Heidi was about to get in - fully dressed with shoes - till I stopped her. "Wow there, Missy. We don't shower with clothes on."

She frowned, then started tugging at the shoes. I bent down and undid the laced for her, while she pulled the socks off. Heidi went to get in a second time, but I stopped her again. She tried to get the dress off, but couldn't. It fit like a glove and she was too drunk.

I turned her around, searching for a zip. But there wasn't one. I checked the side, finding the zipper. I slowly started to undo it, hoping that Heidi would do the rest, but she was still trying to get the other sock off.

Finally freeing her foot, she dropped the dress and revealed her body. She was that drunk!?

I looked away, but wanted to see more. I heard her get into the bath and yawn once more. Sitting next to the bath, I crossed my legs. I had a hunch she'd drown if I wasn't watching.

So after about ten minutes, she was asleep in the tub. Great, what do I do now?

My wolf howled with laughter and longing as he took in the situation. 'This is going to be fun, buddy!' He laughed.

Heidi's P.O.V:

Sunlight streamed through the window as I rolled over, the comfy bed warm and welcoming.

Hold the phone, my bed squeaked. My bed wasn't comfy. Or warm. There was always a draft. Why was this bed comfy and warm?

I opened my eyes, taking in a room that was not mine. Shooting up, I looked around. Black, cotton sheets covered my lower body and a shirt which smelt like Lucas was dwarfing my torso. I looked to the left, only to see Lucas.

He was smirking at me, hair disheveled and eyes gleaming with mischeif. My eye twitched twice as I glared at him. "Why the fu---"

"Your fault." He grinned. The sheets were down, showing off his exceedingly well toned, ogle worth chest. No wonder Paige wanted the guy.

"How---" Questions lodged in my throat as my glare deeped. "What?"

"Someone got a little too drunk. I ended up finding you on the sidewalk, alone." Then he frowned. "You could have been picked up or beaten, or even raped. Why didn't you think?"

"Why is it any of your business?"

His smirk returned, hiding his strange concern and anger. "Because I had to give someone here, a bath."

I gasped, throwing the sheets off of me. The dress was gone, to be replaced by cotton pants and his big shirt. My cheeks heated and I looked at him, eyes wide. "Did you see anything?" He grinned, rolling so he faced the ceiling. "You asshole, why would you---"

"Hey, I'm not the one who threw your dress off."

I groaned, throwing myself backwards and covering my face with my hands. Why did this have to happen to me? After tossing and turning for ages, Lucas spoke again. "You talk in your sleep. I think you even cried once."

"I what?"

He chuckled. ''You also cry when you're drunk."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no." I cried. I threw the sheets off and got out of the bed, and made my way out of the room. I recognised the hall and went down the stairs.

Just as I got down, Chloe threw her head up from the couch. "Ew, little Ms Slut is back."

"Shut up, hooker." I groaned. I stopped in my tracks, knowing I definitely did not want to go back home. Pete and Lindsey were back, and they were even less pleasant. I stomped back to the room I'd borrowed a few weeks ago and laid quietly on the carpet floor.

I was not a happy chappy.


Check out my latest book - Friday Took My Breath Away






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