Chapter 31 - The Prom [Part 2]:

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Back to school... *sigh* Enjoy!!! :)


Chapter 31 - The Prom [Part 2]:

Heidi's P.O.V:

I was basically ripped off the stage and dragged through the school hall. The only lighting was the spotlight on stage and the rainbow lights above. I could just make out the reddish, chestnut hair that belonged to... Autumn? Shit, where were we going?

She hurled me into the hallway, running down it with me and another werewolf from the pack called Tia. "What are you doing?" I asked, as we continued to run.

"Shut up for once, will you?" Tia laughed.

Autumn chuckled. "She never usually says anything. By the way, nice band you got there. Kicked Chloe's ass." We rounded the corner and I was thrown into the girl's bathroom. I slammed up against the wall as Autumn faced Tia who was now holding a bag.

"What's that?" I frowned, pointing at it.

"Lucas was complaining that you were just going to leave the prom after you'd played. So," Autumn smiled. "We told him to shut up, obviously. But we thought it was so cute so we decided to get you a dress and mask to you could go."

I stood there, dead panning them both. "What?"

"Jet gave us your size," Tia said.

"Jet?" I barked, frowning. "How the---?"

"Lucas," Autumn said in a dismissive tone, tossing the bag at me and pushing me into the toilet cubical. "Get changed, we'll meet you at the hall entrance to get your clothes."

Great, just perfect. I mean I was grateful of course, but... Ah well...

Lucas's P.O.V:

I was standing close to the stage steps, while the young librarian spoke to me about books. Books are good, but I wasn't able to focus on her right now. My mind was else where, and I demanded it stayed there. I'd just gotten rid of Chloe, and was now drinking some sort of alcohol I'd brought with me, or more so - Jet had shoved into my back pocket.

Some shit by Ke$ha was playing, the cheerleaders gossiping in a group looking across at the jock group. I almost laughed at the similarities of the younger me and the jocks. I used to be a player, who played football and all the girls wanted. Not much had changed, I still loved rugby and I knew that some girls drooled over me. But I definitely wasn't a player anymore.

My eyes were scanning the room, but I couldn't find her. Everyone as wearing masks and the room was dim. I couldn't even smell--- wait a second. My head shot up to the doorway to see a pretty girl in a modest, white dress that went to the floor. Her black mask was plain, but it blended in with her dark, long, curly hair that went just past her waist.

She looked around, then hurried towards a corner. No one noticed her, as Adam Lambert - What Do You Want From Me started playing. I excused myself from the pretty librarian and walked over to her as if I was stalking my prey. Her eyes were down cast as I walked straight up to her.

Before she had the chance to life her head, my hand was at her chin; doing it for her. Heidi's eyes shone with surprise, then a smile graced her face.

"You know," I started, my voice low and at normal volume - the pros of being a wolf. "You've graduated now."

Heidi's face showed confusion, then understanding. And before I could even move, she'd ripped off her mask and taken my face in her hands, landing her lips on mine.

I heard gasps and hushed whispers through the music and loud people, but it didn't matter. She'd graduated, and was of legal age - as of tonight. My eyes opened and made contact with her unique, golden orbs that were darkening with lust. Oh yes, this was the life.

                                               ~ * * * ~

I tried to keep my hands covering Heidi's eyes without trailing them all over her body, and believe me, it was hard. She was wearing overalls with rainbow socks and her hair in two, loose plaits trailing down her front. I pushed her out the door and removed my hands.

"Open your eyes," I whispered in her ear.

As she did, the fairy lights flickered on and Autumn ran up and swamped her in a hug, along with Jet and her other close friends in the pack. She let out a small yelp of surprise as her tiny body tried to hug everyone back.

We were outside of the pack house, fairy lights hanging from the house to the trees and around the trees, dancing from the canopy of pines, creating a magical feel. A table held a simple cake with eighteen candles and a few other dishes.

A large, inflatable pool filled with water sat in the small clearing; tall grass surrounding the mowed clearing. The rest of the pack had gone out, and only Heidi's friends were here.

The group broke up and starting talking, and eating. Heidi ran up and jumped onto me, her legs wrapping around my hips as she clung to me, breathing in my neck. She laughed and looked at me, smiling a wide grin, "Thank you so much!" She exclaimed, Autumn dragging her away, Heidi looked back at me as she did so.

I heard a car pull up, and I jogged out to the front, looking at the blue,red and yellow vintage buggies. Casper jumped out of the red one, smiling at me. "Let's get this party going, why don't we?"

I nodded, looking up at the sky. It was about three in the morning, and the sky was black, fading into a dark purple hue. I went around the back once more, and rounded everyone up. "Follow me," I beckoned, running off through the grass.

Soon, we were running through the grass, laughing and shoving each other with the VW buggies in the lead. We came across the clearing, away from the daunting, pine trees with only the grass surrounding us. The buggie's doors opened and Heidi's favourite band started playing as everyone laughed.

Heidi ran into Caspers arms. She grabbed his arms and jumped around in a circle as they yelled the lyrics to Walk The Moon - Anna Sun.

A light sprinkling of rain began to fall as the people jumped to the Indie music. Yes this is the life.




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