Chapter 5 - Afternoon Fight

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 Chapter 5 - Afternoon Fight:

It was Friday afternoon and I had just walked out of the front entrance of the school building, making sure I had avoided Mr. Alabaster. A crowd had gathered out the front on the lawn and Paige stood there, smirking evilly at my figure.

I glanced at my watch and sighed. Casper had come down with a cold, and was at home with a fever. So I had been alone the whole day, waiting for this moment.

Soon the crowd became less loud, as I walked up to Paige.

“It’s 3:05, Paige. What do you want to do?” I sighed again, looking up at her. Today she wasn’t wearing high heels, but she was still damn long.

In an instant, she had thrown a fist in my general vicinity; but missed entirely as I stepped out of its path. She tried once more, going for my hair this time, but I crouched down and she stumbled to the left.

Chuckling, I stood up gracefully and looked at her fuming face. “Thought you’d be able to hit something, I mean…you hit on guys,” I raised my eye brown and smirked as she lunged for me, the collision knocking me off of my feet.

Straddling me, she tried to hit my face. But I moved my head from side to side, smirking the whole time. She finally landed a blow, stunning me momentarily. In that moment, she hit me at least three more times and my lip produced a steady trail of blood. I glared up at her as her nail broke the skin on my face, blood dripping from it.

I rolled her off, annoyed and got up, stuffing my hands into my jean pockets. I turned to walk away but she jumped on my back – tackling me to the ground.

“Whoa!” I said, lying on my stomach as she pounded my back. “I didn’t know you were bi-sexual.” I joked rolling her off, standing again and turning to walk away once more.

She glared at me from the ground. “You’re such a bitch!” Well there’s something new! Note the sarcasm. I don’t even know what I really did to her; apart from call her a ‘slut’. “You’re just an ugly, un-popular, bitch who doesn’t belong in this world. You think you’re top shit but you’re really not.” The crap she was coming out with, since when had I given her that impression? “You’re so fat! I’m amazed you’ve even had sex. And not to mention you’re parents. Hoo-ha, your parents were just-“

“Shut up!” I turned to her. “What would you know about my parents? I bet you don’t even know my full name.” I accused, yelling at her like the crazy pea-brained cow she was. “Why can’t you and your pack of bimbos leave me the hell alone?” I gestured to the people around me. “And I’m fat? What about you? Anyone is fat to you, unless they’re anorexic. You’re crazy and I’m pretty sure-“

A jock caught me from behind, wrapping his arms first around my waist, then up under my armpits; locking me in place.
I growled and Paige got up, coming over and yelling a line of profanity in my face, before thumping me in the gut. I tried to keep my face composed, but I knew the pain was showing on it. “Stupid cow,” I coughed.

“What the hell is going on out here!?” Mr. Alabaster yelled from the entrance.

Everyone stopped and stared at him, still as a picture. Paige glared at me and I returned her facial expression.
The guy behind me dropped his arms slowly as Paige looked around. The crowd started to disperse as quiet murmurs and laughs were the only thing heard.

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