Chapter 26 - Missing The Point:

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Sorry it's been a the way I'M ON FUCKING HOLIDAYS! OHHH YEAHHH! >:P

Enjoy, awesome fans!!!


Chapter 26 - Missing Casper:

Heidi's P.O.V:

I shot up, faster than a bullet, taking in my surroundings and finding out it wasn't a dream. Shock ran through me - I'd had anal with Lucas. Mr. Alabaster. My biology teacher!

'Calm down you crazy chicken, he's our mate,' My wolf laughed.

'I will not calm down! I had...bloody butt sex with Mr. Alabaster! And now he's ditched me in his room, what the hell is wrong with us!?' I screamed internally.

Lucas was no where in sight, so I threw the covers off and toss on a shirt and boxers, which decided to slip down every few seconds. My black hair cascaded down my back and flew in the wind as I busted through the door and pelted down the corridor, avoiding peoples stunned bodies.

Running down the stairs in a messy fashion, I finally collided with someone. Letting out an all mighty 'oomf', I looked up. Lucas stared down at me, concern written all over his face.

"Morning beautiful," He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waste.

I shoved against him helplessly, holding in a whimper. I refused to cry because I'd made a careless mistake. It was all my fault, and I knew it too well. "I have to go," I pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" He frowned, arms dropping by his side.

I looked up at him, swallowing my stupid-ness. "What's wrong?" I asked incredulously.

Then it clicked. "Heidi, that doesn't change anything, it's not like we actually had---"

"Don't even say, that word. And it does change things," I said, clenching my fists.

"Oh baby, what's wrong? Is this primary school-er harassing you again?" Chloe came up behind Lucas and threw her arms over his shoulder, rubbing his stone chest.

Okay, that. Is. It. I'd been working my ass off for the principal because Casper and I were trying to have a good, last day. I'd been scrutinized by teachers and students, while Pete had been beating the silt out of me.

Casper was gone now, and I he hasn't written back to me for ages. And now I was wondering if Nancy had anything to do with it. Even Jade had been avoiding me. Not to mention the fact that I hadn't seen Edge for ages, and I was starting to resent my older brother Dred, for ditching us.

Then bitch-face-Chloe had to come and rub her over sized boobies all over Lucas? No, too far, way too far.

"Ever considered that you stand a little too tall, say a little too much or that you've got to bite that know it all tongue? And that you tried a little too hard, now I'm calling it a bluff, your big plans are coming undone. I see what you're trying to do, and you're a bitch. I hate bitches, so shut your face, before I shut it for you." I said, before I made my way to the door. All time low lyrics are like an all time high win.

"You'll never win this game," She said, like it was the first comeback that popped into her head.

I laughed. "But you just lost the game, so hush, you act like a child."

Chloe scoffed, "You're the child here, what are you? Sixth grade? Lucas would never have sex with you or even consider the thought you little---"

"Chloe, shut the hell up!" Lucas growled, rolling his eyes. Nodding at me, he smiled a little and I left, shifting at the front and dashing off violently through the trees.

Lucas's P.O.V:

"Lu-Lu," Jet started, as he sat on the carpet in my room. I was lying on the bed in my boxers, sprawled out and taking up the whole bed. "Chloe only wanted you because you're an alpha, you do know that, right?"

Sighing, I nodded. "Yeah, I figured that out a few nights ago."

After a few minutes of silence, Jet spoke again. "She seems pretty messed up,"

"Who?" I blinked in confusion.

"Heidi," He said, reminding me of what she had said the night before. The cause of her bruises, her 'step father'. A grown man had been beating a teenager. Laying his selfish, dirty, tainted hands on her pure body. What sort of sick bastard does that?

Was Heidi messed up? She lived with her abusive step father, and away from her little brother. Her friend had moved away, and then Chloe was being a bitch. What about her real father, or mother? Did her mother know her husband was doing this to Heidi?

In a nut shell, Heidi wasn't screwed, just troubled. And bruised.

"Yeah," I said absently, while the thoughts swam mercilessly through my brain. Getting off my ass, I threw on some clothes and jogged out of the room. I needed to talk to Chloe. And not with our bodies, no one knew how over that I was. Damn bitch.

Jet's P.O.V:

Oh damn, was Lu-Lu in deep. I don't think the guy had ever properly loved someone. Through primary, he was detached. Then his mother died, causing his father to go cold and his fathers habits to rub off on him.

Then high school started. That was fun. We were with each other when we shifted, then Lucas turned into a party animal. Sure, I followed along, till I met Autumn.

Oh Autumn. How her red hair had flown in the wind and her eyes shone bright as she turned, laughing with her friend. How the breeze had made her scent slam into me, awakening something with in me. How our eyes had locked, her laughing to stop. Then the shy smile, as she ran off with her friend down the street.

And the sex! Oh the---

"Jet?" I smiled, chuckling to myself.

"In here, Autumn."

She peeked around the door, and grinned. "You big cheater. I can't even play hid and seek with you, without you hiding in Lucas's room."

"It's not that hard if you know where I hide every time." I smiled, as she came and sat in front of me, smiling. "Besides, I'm just super good at this game."

"No you're not." She took my hand in her tiny one and drew patterns over it. Looking up at me, she smiled again. "I found you, you lose."

Smirking, I leaned in. "Indeed you did." Then our lips met and we went back to my room.


So this is dedicated to SkitteZ94! Because she said she'd cry if I didn't update, so yeah, HOPEFULLY SHE'LL COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT SHE THINKS OF THE NEXT CHAPTERS...YEAH...






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