Chapter 1 - The Beginning:

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Picture to side is Heidi>>>

Chapter 1 – The beginning:

“Where were you last night? I bet you were whoring around again, just like your mother. Weren’t you?” My step father yelled, pushing me against the wall.

His girlfriend – Lindsey – giggled at how ‘strong’ my father was. He was drunken and slurring, as was Lindsey. Yes, and it was eight in the morning. And when they were done abusing me, they’d probably go have sex. Charming. Note the sarcasm.

“I was at an art class.” I replied simply. “Now I’m going to school, so see you later.” I sighed, hoping he wouldn’t hit my like he usually did.
But no such luck. A single backhand straight across the face, making me jolt my face to the left. I sighed as I walked to my room to get my board and bag.

I missed dad, and I missed mum.
My dad had died from cancer four years ago. After two years, mum married Pete – my step father – and died the following six months in a car crash. I had been by her side when she died in the hospital, gripping my little brother’s hand.
He – Edge – was turning three this year. But he didn’t live with us. He had been taken away and was receiving foster care. I had decided when he was first taken, that I would adopt him when I was out of school. But for now, I only got to visit him on the weekends.
The people he was currently living with were lovely. Philip and Morgan was a young couple, about the twenty-five mark, and were so caring and wonderful.

Grabbing my bag, I dashed out the door, hoping Pete wouldn’t stop me, and jumped on my board. It was a Chris Cole Zero Cole Maloof Gold Bold Deck, which I had gotten for $40. Zero was the brand I had started with. And even though it was rather expensive, I still loved it. I had a job, and money. I could occasionally use it, right?
Okay, that’s a lie. I had started with a board that I had bought at Kmart [A/N: Australian goods store (for those non-Aussies)] for $15…but Zero is by far better!


“Last night, we had some punks who vandalized school property.” The principal began. “We have zero tolerance for this type of behavior and if anyone is caught, you will be questioned by police and severely punished. More cameras will be installed and the lockers will be replaced at the end of the school year.” He finished, through the microphone. “On a lighter note,” he cleared his throat. “We have a new staff member who is replacing Mr. Hennas, the biology teacher. His name is Mr.Alabaster, and if you see him around the school, make him feel welcome. I’m sure you won’t miss him,” he chuckled. “But that is the end of assembly for today, dismissed.”

So we had a new teacher for biology?
1) Mr. Hennas was a total numb nut, a man in his late forties and had dissected too many things.
2) This new guy…Mr. Alabaster, was probably an old fart who was evil.
3) I had biology as first period!

I stalked off to my locker, admiring my artwork. The hall looked beautiful.
Spotting Jade out the corner of my eye as she saw her locker, I giggled to myself. She flushed red and smiled. I wasn’t really her friend, but she was one of the nicest people I know.
She looked around, hoping no one else would notice, and then saw me. Her eyes went wide as she made her way over.

“Heidi! You have the same thing as me.” She gushed. “Aren’t we lucky? The person who did it must have known us.” She smiled quietly.

I winked at her, “You bet they did.”

Her eyes went wide again.
She had long brown wavy hair that was tied low in a ribbon. Her skin was lightly tanned, and she wore a simple dress. She looked natural and really pretty, with her big, green eyes and full lips. I’m not lesbian, but I’m just admiring her for what she is. Her looks go with her personality. Nice.
As if something clicked, she smiled, and walked away.

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