Chapter Four- Leo's Mistake

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(Leo's POV)
Baby, to be honest when you said you wanted to go somewhere with me after the memorial, I was hoping it would be home. I miss feeling your heartbeat, your gentle breathing, your soft lips brushing against the scars only you know of. But no, you introduced me to a little boy. I'm not a good man. You try to convince me that I am, but I can't see it. I would never be a good father... I wish you could see this. And now you've gone to stay with my brother for awhile. I want to come see you, hold you in my arms again...
No matter what happens with this kid you want to adopt, one thing is certain. I still love you.

I had just arrived at my hotel in Seattle late that night (I made a lot of stops on the way) and settled in, pulling out my laptop and hooking it up to the wifi.

It was really quiet and I think I had taken several pills to relax myself. Donnie sent me a text.

D- hey.. did you arrive safely? It's storming here and I've got two terrified children 😞

I sighed a bit, not really in the mood to have a conversation at the moment. Besides, I needed to go to bed. But if I didn't respond he'd start to cry and call his brother and then Mikey would cry and then Raph would see Mikey crying and get mad and come find me.

Why did I marry such a pus- I mean sensitive person?

Well I was madly in love back then. I can't seem to feel anything now but a desire begging to be fulfilled.

L- Hope they go to bed soon. It's getting late, and I'm tired, so I'll talk to you tomorrow.

D- I've been meaning to do the same, but I can't sleep with you that far away 😭. Call me please?

L- I'll try. Give me a moment.

D- yay! Love You! 😘💕

Signing a bit, I dialed his number. I finally convinced him a couple years ago to get a new phone, and I buried his old phone under the house. We went out that day and I bought him the nicest iPhone available at the time. He said he hated it but he hasn't switched back yet.

He picked up a minute later and I heard quiet chatter beside him.
"Hey! That took forever." He giggled a bit.
"Sounded like you were busy.." I responded, sitting down on my bed.
"No, Teresa is just watching that stupid show she obsesses over. I'm not busy at all."

"Not like you were out clubbing with your friends." I laughed a bit, freezing at the knock on the door.
"Ha.. I don't have any friends." His voice was careful, and I knew he was going into one of his deep narrative moments.
I didn't respond right away. I needed to hang up. "That's great," I said absentmindedly.
"What? Why? Oh.. so you can have me all to yourself?" He teased a bit.
"Keep telling yourself that." I rolled my eyes (which he didn't see) and hung up to answer the door. It was just room service, bringing up some champagne.

I turned my phone on "do not disturb" to ignore the texts and flopped down on the fluffy mattress, deciding to instead use the hotel phone. I dialed a number, and immediately the woman I was calling picked up. "Leo.. where are you?" Karai's voice almost sent chills up my spine. I shouldn't be doing this, but who cares? I didn't.

I just needed to know what it felt like one last time.

"I'm in my room. 492. Are you coming?"
"I will be soon enough, knowing you.." She teased. "Of course, I'm just waiting for the babysitter to get here."
"How is your daughter, anyway?" I asked. "Akira? She's fine. Her father is coming to get her in a minute and I'll have the whole day to spend with you. I'll be right up."
Karai and her boyfriend were separating, so her six year old daughter Akira was constantly living with one or the other and had to endure the fighting. I felt bad for the kid.

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