Chapter Nineteen- Understand

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I couldn't convince Donnie to come out of the bathroom, he was just so mortified and hurt to think of his brother talking about him that way. He couldn't help the way he had to talk- Donnie had a brain that was trying to repair itself, and it would take time.

Mikey knew that. Why would he make fun of his brother like that? Why didn't Raph correct him?

"Donnie, come on, let's go to bed."
He shook his head and cried into his hands.
"We don't even have to talk to Raph and Mikey. I'll take you up the back staircase. Please, let me get you to bed.."

"Not ch..ild..." He wiped his cheeks.

"I know that...I know. I'm just helping you until you get your strength up. Have a little bit of patience, okay?"

He frowned.

Finally, I picked Donnie up and carried him upstairs, carefully sitting him on the bed while I searched through his dresser for some pjs. Our brothers were still talking about him. Kept talking even while I carried him upstairs. Like.. do you have to make Donnie feel so terribly? He's already insecure enough as it is and I was trying to make him have a good day, but noooooo some people had to get in the way.

"I understand words."

I nodded, helping him change into his nightclothes, tossing his old clothes into the hamper. "Well, he's wrong about you. I know you're still there and you know what I'm saying, and that was another big word you used. Good job." I kissed the top of his head before he got under the blanket.

I flipped the light out and got in bed beside him. First time in almost four months we shared a bed and I didn't want to think of why.
Donnie turned to me, eyes serious. "N-Not stupid. I'm not."

"Of course you're not stupid. You're doing great and it's so good to have you home." I gently wrapped my arms around his middle. "We will deal with Mikey tomorrow, for now, let's go to sleep. Goodnight."
He leaned up weakly and kissed my cheek. "Bad night."

All was quiet for a while and I thought he fell asleep.
I turned over, facing the wall. Waited for him to move. Nothing. He was out cold.

I carefully got out of bed, tip toeing towards the door.

He sighed quietly. "Nothing."

"I was just going to the bathroom." Yeah, the bathroom, says I as I hold the handle leading into the hallway when we have a bathroom connected to our room.
Oh well, looks like I'd have to wait until morning to kick Mikey's ass.
The next morning I felt like I went back in time to when things were okay, because for the first time in months, Donnie and I were sleeping in the same bed and everything seemed to be normal. Waking up fully, I knew it wasn't, but it was nice to pretend every now and then.

He rolled over slightly, facing me and ran a hand down my side, then back up. When I didn't respond, he leaned in and kissed me.

I opened my eyes, smiling a bit. "Good morning.." It'd been ages since I saw my precious Donnie staring back at me in the morning. It was such a perfect moment and I didn't want to ruin it by talking about random shit like we used to.

He nuzzled into my chest, sighing. It just seemed so normal, I was practically drinking up the normalcy. But in reality.. I felt like even though him and I were sleeping inches away from each other, that our souls were oceans apart. I missed feeling like I didn't have to say anything at all but yet Donnie still knew what I was thinking and I knew his thoughts.

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