Chapter Forty Eight- Bandage

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My car sped down the highway and for the first time in months I didn't care if I lived or died. I felt so violated and horrified simultaneously and I just wanted to throw up all over again after such a horrendous experience.

This is what I remember:
I remember going to bed next to Leo. I remember switching the light off and facing the wall, watching snow fall outside. I was wearing fluffy socks and Leo kept brushing his foot up against one of them, probably for warmth as it was pretty cold. "Can't sleep?" I asked, pressing my back against his front.
"No, I'm just relaxing for once. I like how peaceful it is right now."

My lips curled into a sleepy smile. I couldn't help but agree.

I closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

I remember smiling gently as I felt a hand rubbing up and down my back when I woke up again. Someone's in a loving mood... I'd thought, rolling over to cuddle into the man I love so much. Leo just makes me so happy. I never thought it was possible, after all these years, to love someone that much, but...

It didn't take long to realize something wasn't right. My fluffy socks were off, as well as my fleece night pants and tight fitting Superman tee shirt. Reaching down, I knew my boxers were gone too. But Leo wouldn't do that to me in my sleep. He respected my boundaries. Always asked what was okay.

I attempted to open my mouth to speak, but I failed. I felt something covering my lips. His. I tried to shove him off, but my arms felt like jelly. I couldn't get up. I inhaled his scent and my suspicions were true, this was not Leonardo.

It was Raphael.

So I had to sit there while he did whatever he wanted to me, and I ended up finding the strength to pull my head to the edge of the bed, vomiting all over my clothes. Raph got disgusted and told me to get out. I slid off the bed and found myself unable to get up for a moment. When my legs found strength, I dragged myself out of the room, clothes in hand, and darted back to my bedroom. I put on a new outfit, baggier to go easy on my sore areas, and crawled into bed, attempting to keep my tears in. Leo was sleeping peacefully and I couldn't possibly wake him up, so I curled into his side, hugging his arm tight, and tried to sleep. Everything hurt, but I somehow succeeded at dozing off.
Hours later, I was seated in a park somewhere a hundred miles from home, and I allowed myself to cry a little. Just a little. I didn't know how to handle the situation, and I really wished I could remember how I got in his room in the first place. Why didn't Leo hear Raph come in and get me? It didn't add up.

How's my favorite hoe doing? 😘 I saw you leave this morning, wondering if everything's okay? Want to meet somewhere?

No, Thomas couldn't have seen me leave. He lived a block away and I turned the opposite direction of his house. Leo probably asked him to check in on me, assuming I'd open up to my best friend about what was wrong. It was almost cute, but Leo's not that smart. I would never tell Thomas about what happened.

He knew I read the message. I saw him typing something for , but then it stopped. Nothing came through for a bit.

Look Donnie, we're worried about you. Leo stopped by. He thought you came here. You know you shouldn't be alone when you get overly upset...

Once again, I left him on read. In fact, I put my phone away and got back in the car, planning on going to visit my niece in the hospital. I knew it was selfish of me, but I was kind of mad Leo wasn't chasing after me or at least calling, begging for me to return home. But he wasn't. Hmmmph.

Listen up, bitch. I'm going to come find your ass if you don't text me back. I really care about you and I don't want anything bad to happen... <3

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