Chapter Twenty Seven- Japan

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(Leo's POV)

We arrived in Tokyo, Japan two days after Christmas and let me just say— I was beyond excited to return to my home country. Sure I left it when I wasn't even four yet, but it was still home. For some reason, my father never allowed Raph or I to go back, saying it wasn't important, "focus on your studies", "there are so many other places to visit" and so on. As an adult, I'd always been hesitant to visit, because part of me feared it'd trigger a memory I'd rather forget but, so far it hadn't.

We were staying on the top floor of a hotel overlooking the city, and everything was great on the morning of December 28th. We got there the day before and spent a lot of time at the airport as Donnie was a bit intimidated already by the noise and the crowds, so... it took him a while to agree to get on with things.

Honestly, it felt great having him with me again, after weeks of being away he hadn't improved but seemed to have lost some. When I went and got him, he was very upset but refused to tell me why. However, on the airplane ride he finally said what was bothering him in broken words— "P-Paul.. lock me.. in kitchen." He stared down at his trembling hands (well they always trembled) nodding or shaking his head at the few questions I asked and mumbling answers, but after that he didn't say anything else for the rest of the ride.
So obviously I made a friendly phone call and asked- no, demanded is more like it- to speak with his supervisor. I was the voice Donnie didn't have, and I told them what Donnie couldn't; every last detail of his problems with Paul. That his nurses didn't listen to him when he tried to tell them what was going on, and until the situation was handled he would not be going back.

Anyway, back to our first morning in Japan. I was up before the sun was but ended up falling back to sleep as there was no purpose in staying awake.
I woke up much later at around 9:30, which is extremely late for me, to find Donnie with his back pressed against my front, shivering due to me accidentally hogging the blanket during the night. I can't help that I need security in my sleep. Sighing quietly, I wrapped the blanket around his shoulders, mumbling an apology.

He curled up in the blanket, saying something incomprehensible to me.
"What?" I ran a hand down his arm softy. He's gained a little weight— good. Because he was just skin and bones when he got to Redemption. This was progress, even if it was just a little.
"I say somethin'?" Donnie started waking up, rolling his foot in a circle. "Sorry."

"It's fine.. probably time we got up anyway." I kissed his ear, then got up to get dressed for the day.
He rolled over, rubbing his eyes. "Those new?" He motioned to my underwear as he sat up.

"Sort of. You uh.. you like them?" What the heck, I sounded like a nerd. Oh god...
Why would I even ask? They were underwear for a reason.

"Yeah. Fit good. Better than old one.." Donnie hid a smile, sniffing. "Need meds.. please."
Medicine, right. Because that stupid Paul left him for so long in that cold room, Donnie was now a little sick. It wasn't bad at all, just quiet coughs during the night and sniffles during the day. I was probably going to catch it at some point, but who cares? Wouldn't be the first time I'd gotten sick because of him. Hey- we shared a bed. It was bound to happen.

I'd bought a safe the night before and kept the key on a chain around my neck. Inside I kept all Donnie's medicine, as well as pain and fever meds and his razor, so he couldn't get to them without my permission. Not that he would kill himself right now, but I didn't want to take a chance.

I pulled the safe out from under the bed and unlocked it, handing him two pills. "That's all for now."
"Thanks." Donnie swallowed both of them and shuddered. "Leo..?"
"I.. I am hungry." He hugged his knees, blushing slightly, clearly wishing he didn't have to ask me.
"Me too. Alright.. let's see what's on the menu." I sat beside him while we looked at the menu. "What do you want?"
Donnie squinted and looked uncomfortable because couldn't read it. Well, half of it was in Japanese and the English text was rather small, with big words that I knew he didn't understand yet.

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