Chapter Forty- Calm

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(Leo's POV)

I rolled over, half asleep, and wrapped my arms around the wonderful human sleeping next to me. All was well, everything was okay for once and I wanted to enjoy it for as long as possible.
Donnie put a hand over mine, patting it gently. It seemed he'd been awake for a while. I'd been home for two days. Well.. not "home" because we were still staying with Raph, but you get my point. I'd been sleeping for most of the two days, trying to get my life back in order, mentally.

Donnie was gone most of the day on my second day back, because he has a schedule of things to do now that keeps him busy. I was glad he wasn't moping around. He held it together.

I kissed his neck gently, nuzzling into the pillow. We'd both been woken up by the same thing.
An argument.

"I don't have to stay here a minute longer! I can take Sophie and my money and just go!" Mikey shouted and sounded close to our door. Great.

"Then why don't you?? I'm not keeping you here, but if you think you can just take Sophie like that then you're wrong! You take terrible care of her." Raph shot back.

"You know what? I bet I can! I'll ask the master of divorces, aka your brother. He would know!" Our door was kicked open.
Well, this was going to be awkward.
For a second I thought about pretending to be asleep, but I'm not good at that.

Mikey turned the lights on and stomped over to our bed. "Rise and shine, lovebirds! I have to ask a few questions!" He yanked the blanket off of us, tossing it onto the floor.
I'm gonna tell you right now, never do something like that to Donnie. If he's trying to sleep, do NOT turn the lights on, do NOT take his blanket, and if you do either of these things you'd better place a coffee mug in his hands or you will get attacked.

Donnie let go of my hand, eyes narrow. "I am trying to sleep! Go fight somewhere else!!"

Mikey crossed his arms. "Don't get your panties in a tangle, sis. I'm leaving Leo's stupid brother and I need to know if I can take my daughter and go. He'll have to give me money and all, right? Is that how it works?"

"No, you won't get a cent from him. You are abusive. You can take Sophie but Raph can take her back at any time." Donnie bent down, reaching for his shirt. "Just go alone, Mikey."

And I don't know, for some reason, when Mikey gets hurt he likes to hurt the other person back. Because Donnie didn't take his side, he was now a traitor and soon to be victim to all Mikey's anger. Honestly, Mikey could go jump off a cliff and I wouldn't give a shit. He's not a good person. I wanted to knock him out.

"Is that so, D-Donnie?" Mikey scrunched his shoulders up, trying to look awkward. He grabbed a marker out of a basket on the dresser and drew a line across his wrist, mimicking a scar. "Is that what Weo did?"

Donnie inhaled sharply, staring at the wall. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. He couldn't show any emotion. Wasn't the first time he'd been made fun of. "You do this every time I'm right."

Mikey rolled his eyes, laying across the chair. "I do? Wow, so you're not as stupid as I thought."

"Which one of us has a college degree?"

"Not like you use yours anyway." Mikey turned his gaze to me, looking me up and down. "See, you and Raph are almost the same. Except you're more assertive and... smart mouthed. Like me. We should've ended up together, and I could've left Raph with that babbling idiot you've got beside you."

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