The End...?

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"Hey Leo?" Poke, poke. "Leo... I have a question."

I decided to ignore him because I had headphones in (without any music playing), and thought I could get away with it.

"Leo! How rude of you to ignore me like that. Well, fine. I'm not going to tell you then." Donnie pushed himself out of bed, reaching for his bathrobe. "You're missing out big time, old man."

"Excuse me, I am not THAT old." I finally speak up. "I'm barely twenty-two." 

"Give or take thirty-three years." Donnie flopped onto the bed, moving so that his head was in my lap. "I'm glad you've decided to listen because I've quite possibly come up with my best idea yet." He grabbed his iPad off the nightstand beside me and opened one of the tabs. "Okay, so I've been thinking a lot- and I mean a LOT- about the past."

"Well that's never good," I comment.

"Yeah. Shut up and let me finish." He moved to my side. "I was fortunate enough to have a mother who somewhat accepted my sexuality. I got lucky. But there are so many children out there who get thrown out because of being gay or trans or just... something their parents don't approve of and I just thought-"

"Donatello, we cannot take in hundreds of teenagers. Our house isn't nearly big enough! Throw that idea out, right now." I put his iPad back, but he snatches it.

"I know our house isn't big enough! That's why we're going to buy a big abandoned building and turn it into a home for them!" He said excitedly, eyes absolutely shining.

"Absolutely not. That's a terrible idea."

"Oh come on! We've got way too much money; more than we'll ever know what to do with... and... don't you want to do something meaningful? Something to be remembered for when you die? Because I do. We could buy one back in New York City... or..." The way he pauses tells me what I'm already suspecting. A small hotel in town just closed because the owner died. It'd only been abandoned for a few weeks and was on the market for 1.25 million. "Think of all the lives we could change... and it could be self-sufficient. Those who live there have to keep their spaces clean and get jobs, but we'll help arrange jobs of course, and they can pay a really low rent just so they feel accomplished?"

All I did was scoff and roll my eyes. I pulled the blanket up. "Goodnight."

"Oh come on, baby... we barely have anything to do anymore since you retired, and I've only got three years left till I join you. I know you're bored staying home all the time." He snuggled into my side. "I'm not THAT interesting, am I?"

"Donnie, do you have any idea your little place will be?? We're talking hundreds of thousands just to get it furnished and redone, then we have to worry about paying plumbing and electric and for food and clothes for these kids..." My brain hurts from the idea...

"Oh come on, Leo... you know it could work..." Donnie nuzzled my cheek. "I'm always right and this won't be an exception. But I can't do it alone."

"And we've got enough bills to pay off." I mumbled, waving a hand in front of my face. Nothing, as usual. "And I won't even be able to approve of this place of yours because I can't see it. The answer is no."

"But Leo, I—"

"I said no!"

I didn't have to see him to know I'd hurt his feelings. I could sense it. Donnie turned onto his side and switched the light off, quiet as a mouse. Until the sniffling started.

I sighed. "Donnie..."

"Things just haven't been the safe since the accident and I want you to be happy again! I know you feel like you don't have a purpose right now. I want to change that because I know.. I know that I'm not enough." He says pitifully. "It's hard to see you like this, Leo."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2016 ⏰

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