Chapter Twenty Eight- Love

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(Narrator's POV)

Leo was ready in just thirty minutes after he showered, filling the entire hotel room with the scent of his cologne. It was nice and unexpected as Donnie didn't realize he was actually taking this seriously, like they weren't just ordering pizza and watching a movie. How many years had it been since Leo had done this? At least six. Donnie attempted to get himself ready, wanting it to be a surprise, but it took him longer than expected to put on his slacks, let alone to even attempt buttoning up his dress shirt. He failed miserably at that but got the first half of them buttoned properly. He left the other ones undone for now, knowing he'd need help and there was no use trying to deny it.

He ran a comb through his hair and slipped his shoes on, pacing around the room. He wouldn't be able to order for himself.. wouldn't the menu be in Japanese? Would there be an English section? Would he be able to read that? Oh god, what if he said something stupid or choked on his drink or dropped it again or was unable to cut up his own food because he was wary around knives and what if—

The bathroom door clicked open as Leo adjusted his cuff links. "You ready to-"
"Yes." Donnie immediately stood up, freezing at the sight of Leo being so.. cleaned up after all these weeks of looking exhausted with graying and messy hair. Now he just looked.. younger and a million times better. Leo pulled him close by the opening of his shirt and Donnie leaned in, closing his eyes, expecting a kiss, but that wasn't what was actually happening. Leo was just buttoning his shirt. "There. Do you know where your jacket is?" How could Donnie ever think he was ugly? With his dark, curious eyes, thick, curling lashes, perfectly centered nose, rosy cheeks and plump lips, he was the image of delicacy and beauty at the same time, and Leo was practically in love with his face alone. His face had aged well over the ten years he'd known him, and he only looked... twenty eight? I wonder how old I look. Leo shook his head, knowing he probably wasn't aging well.

"Wanted a kiss.." He mumbled, picking his jacket up off the bed.
"O-oh.. I.. I didn't.. uh.. okay. Let's go. It'll probably take forever to get there." Leo walked towards the door, sweat starting trickle down his neck. Or maybe it was just water. He didn't know. He tripped on his own untied shoe, praying Donnie didn't notice. Was it getting hotter in the room? He should talk to a manager about that. "I-I've already called for a cab. So.. it should be here."
"Okay.." Donnie tried to smile. It was almost tragic seeing Leo this nervous about a mere dinner date. So he was going to try and make things as relaxed as possible. No flirting. No touching. Nothing. But he didn't plan on following those rules after they got to this extraordinary eatery known as the Kozue, on the fortieth or something floor of a huge building with a breathtaking view of Tokyo at night illuminated by the stars and little city lights far below them. Before being seated, Donnie wondered if he'd actually like any of the food here or if he'd just boredly pick at whatever the hell Leo chose for the two of them to eat. He instinctively stuffed his hands deep into his pockets as they were led to a window seat, sat across from each other. So he could either stare into the endless oceans known as Leo's eyes or gaze out at the city below.

"This.. is beauti- uh.. great." Donnie twisted his feet together under the table, accidentally kicking Leo's foot in the process. "Oops! Um.. sorry Leo.." He immediately looked out the window, chewing on his lip.

"Aheh.." Leo had no idea what to say. He probably was sweating bullets at this point. Did he smell bad now? Would he have huge stains under his arms? Stop thinking. Stop.
"So.. I.. forgot to say it earlier. Well- I didn't forget.. but I just, I guess I meant to say it.." He straightened his collar. "Forget that. I meant to say you look very handsome tonight."

Donnie meant to say: thank you, but ended up saying "How nice." Instead. His face quickly turned the color of the paper lantern and he looked down at his hands.
The air felt like it was a heater, and Donnie was sure he was going to pass out from embarrassment, but he held himself together. "I...I mean, th-thanks!" He said, hoping Leo didn't hear his little 'how nice' because by all means, that sounded rude and sarcastic. It made Donnie feel like he wasn't interested in Leo, while his heart still skipped beats every time he got a chance to be next to him.

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