Broken heart

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These are fun to write. Hope you enjoy!


Natsu is at a bar trying to drink away the pain, his boyfriend was cheating on him with one of his friends. That friend happen to be a girl. So he thought that maybe if he gets wasted the pain will leave. Him and his broke heart, are trying to forget the pain.

As he was setting there a lot of men and some woman would talk to him, most of them just wanted to take him home and fuck him. Natsu knew this so he would ignore them, until a certain someone sat next to him.

This person didn't talk to the pinkie right away, no he got himself some drinks. Natsu turned to face the man, and froze in shock. The person had body piercings all over, black long spiky hair, and tan skin. Natsu blushed, then man look at him.

" What do ya want?" Natsu looked at those red eyes, they looked so pretty. He went to speak but couldn't, so he looked away.

" Nothing, just here to drink my pain away. What about you?" Natsu looked at the man again, seeing that he shrugged.

" I'm here just to get drunk, had a hard day."

They sat in silence for a while, neither knew what to say or do. Until Natsu whispered. " Name is Natsu Dragneel." The blacked hair man looked at Natsu before saying. " Gajeel Redfox."

Again the silence took over, but it didn't last long.

" Hey Gajeel, what do you do if one of your friends who's a girl. Is dating your boyfriend behind your back?"

Gajeel thought for a moment, then looked at the pinkie. " Well then they aren't friends I guess. And I probably would have beaten them to a pulp!" He said with a smirk.

Natsu smiled then they start talking about fights they had. Then at one moment Natsu found himself staring into those red slit eyes. Gajeel noticed it and did something that shocked the pinkie, he leaned in close lips barely touching. Then he whispered. " Ya wanna go home with me?" Then he kissed him. The kiss wasn't long he soon pulled away. Natsu blushes then nods, they both walk out of the bar.


Once they got into the blacked haired mans house, the pinkie was attacked by his lips. Natsu kissed back right away, siding his tough in. Causing a make out, a hot one too. Gajeel picked up Natsu and walked to his room, he throw the pinkie on the bed. With a quite thumb. Natsu stared at him, while Gajeel took his shirt along with his pants off. The pinkie blushed, sexy Redfox smirked. " You like what you see?" This caused the pinkie to blush, looking away muttering a " yeah...."

And with one quick whoosh Gajeel hand both of them naked, he starts by kissing the pinkie's neck. This made Natsu moan, he moved his hands touching the man on top of him. Feeling some of the scares that he had gotten from those fights. Gajeel moved to suck on the his left nipple, Natsu gasped. The black haired smirked, moving his hand to stroke the pinkie's half- hard cock. Natsu shrivers by the touch, whispering Gajeels name.

" Um...nah...."

Gajeel took is hand and started to pump his hand faster, Natsu closed his eyes and let out a loud moan. Now his cock is fully hard, Gajeel's hard as well. The black haired man moves to the other nipple, suck, nippling, bitting.


Gajeel stopped and leans in to lock lips with, tongues fighting for dominance. Gajeel the clear winner. They soon broke away, and that's when Gajeel stopped stroking Natsu's cock and brought his fingers to his month and said. " Suck."

He did as told and took the deigns in covering them in his saliva. Once Gajeel thought it was enough he took them out and went to Natsu's entrance, putting in one finger finding that he is pretty lose. So he adds another finger, still lose adding another. Now having three fingers in the pinkie, he starts by finding the boys prostate. Natsu moans loudly when Gajeel's fingers brush his sweet spot. The black haired kept hitting that spot for a while. Natsu moaning, grunting. Gajeel removed his fingers, causing Natsu to whine. He grabbed the lube at of his nightstand, applying some in his hand. Then covering his cock in it, he put it at the pinkie's entrance. And pushed all the way in, Natsu moaned in pleasure. ( His ex boyfriend has a pretty big one too.)

Gajeel started going slow, but Natsu wiggled his hips to make the black haired man grunt. "!!!!"

Gajeel smirks and starts to ram Natsu, then it hits him he knows where his prostate is. He hits it hard, making Natsu scream in pure pleasure. Now Natsu prostate is getting abused, the pinkie moaning, screaming, grunting, being on cloud nine.


Gajeel took his hand and started to pump the pinkie's cock. Up, down, up, down going faster, faster, and faster. Natsu arched his back when he felt more pleasure, his head flipping backwards eyes rolling in the back of his head.

"Gajeel." He whispered with a gasp.

" Say my name louder....nahh..."

"GAJEEL..... Ahhhh...." He screams, his voice cracking a little. Soon Gajeels strokes became sloppy along with his thrusts, he was close. The pinkie could feel that he is on the edge. Gajeel hit his prostate one more time harder, this made him going over the edge.

" GAJEEL REDFOX.......AHHHH..!!!!"

His cum covering his chest, he also tightened around Gajeel. He soon came as well. Both of them breathing heavily( he pulls out), Gajeel picked up Natsu moving him so he would be able to lay his head on a pillow. Then he covered them both in a blanket. Natsu soon falls asleep, cuddling with Gajeel his new lover....maybe. Gajeel smiles then drifts off to sleep as well.

Some body is going to be sore in the morning.

That was fun! I'm almost done with the ones I want to do, then I'll take them request. You can start requesting for ones now if ya'll want. Vote, Comment,


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