First time

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Leo and Natsu have been dating, for about three weeks. Lucy is the only one for knows about it, so on certain days she haves Leo visit. And today is the day he comes and visits, but he wants to take things further then just kissing and making out.

Natsu walks into the guild hall and see his boyfriend, with a lot of girls around him. Natsu knew that he can't just walk over to him and try to have a normal conversation. Everyone would start to ask questions, so he went to Lucy and told her what to tell Leo.

" Hey Lucy, can you tell Leo something for me?"

The blond haired girl smiles then nods.

" Okay, tell him that I'll be waiting at your house." And the he went to walk away, but Lucy grabbed his scarf.

" What the hell you mean my house?!"

" Because then it won't look that weird....remember we don't want anyone to know!"

She sighs and lets go, he continues to walk out of the guild to Lucy's please. Lucy then gets up and winks at Leo, he walks over and tells all the girls that he has to go. They leave and then he sets down next to Lucy.

" So Lucy what's up?"

" Natsu is going to be waiting for you in my house." He then got up and left. *Poof*


Once Lucy got to her house she opened his key again, then left and went back to the guild.

Leo walked in and saw his pink haired boyfriend laying on the bed asleep, an evil idea popped in his head and he picked up Natsu. Then left Lucy's place, going to the pinkie's house. Happy wasn't there he's on a job with Wendy.

Before his boyfriend wakes up he blindfolds him, then ties his hands together with magic string. Natsu won't be able to break it, after that he puts a caller on him with a leash. Stripping Natsu off all clothing except his boxers. Natsu slowly starts to wake up, he try's to move but the finds he is tied up.

" Leo what the hell?!"

" Let's take this a step little slave."

Then Leo hits Natsu with a whip, the pinkie clenched his teeth together. Leo smirks and hits him again, this time on his back. He keeps hitting him, not hard just enough to leave a little red line.

" Leo.....stop this....please..."

" It's not Leo it's master!" He hits Natsu harder.

" M-Master......please...stop.." Natsu felt his pride leave him, and that's when he felt his boxers get ripped off. Leo then licked Natsu hole, then he put a pink viberater in him. The pinkie moans, Leo turns it up all the way. Leo then removed his clothes, and walked over to Natsu's face.

" Suck."

He pushed his mouth open, then put his hard cock in. Natsu licked and sucked it, moaning a the same time. Leo let out some grunts, thrusting into the pinkie's mouth. Both of their climaxes are coming, Leo could tell Natsu is close. He turned off the vibrater, Natsu whines. But still sucks on Leo.

" S-Shit......Ahhh....Natsu..!!" He thrusts one last time, before coming in Natsu's mouth. After he pulls out, Leo cuts the rope he used to tie Natsu up. Also pulling the vibrater out, he picks up Natsu and drops him on the bed. Jumping on top of him, attacking him with his lips. Natsu kissing back, he pulls off the blindfold. Now being able to see his boyfriend, Natsu touches every part of him. Leo pulls away having a string of saliva between them, Natsu then whispers something that made the loin let lose.


He snaps and thrusts into his boyfriend, not caring about the lube. Natsu winces in pain, Leo stopped letting him get used to his sizes. After a few minutes he pulls out, then thrusts back in. He then finds the G spot, now he is thrusting harder each time hitting that spot. Natsu moaning in pure pleasure.

" Ahhh......nahhhh....Loke!"

Natsu getting closer, just about on the edge. Leo's thrust getting sloppy, he too his just about on the edge.

" Loke....I'm....ahhh.....gonna...mmmm nahhh...."

" I know....nahh....lets....cum... together....!"

A few more hard thrusts, and then they both came moaning each other's names.

" LOKE!!"

Leo pulled out, he smirks when he looks at Natsu's flush face. A red tint to his checks, eyes full of lust and exhaustion. They share a passionate kiss, tongues fighting for dominance. Leo winning because Natsu let him, they both pulled away. Leo then layed on the bed, Natsu resting his head in the crook of his neck.

" I love you Natsu."

Natsu smiles moving closer to Leo's body before letting sleep take over. " I love you too Loke."

Leo kisses Natsu's head then fell asleep holing his little sex slave.


I know it's short but I hop you like it! I like it! Oh and I know that the video isn't FairyTail, but I thought the song went great this the chapter. So yeah and I can't seem to find a picture, oh and at the end how I would do a R18 picture I could keep doing that if you want. But if not that's find.

Vote, Comment, Luv y'all guys ~bye~

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