He Knew

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For: welerpy

" Okaii, for right now Natsu your gonna stay as a Neko until I say you can go back to normal." Crystal said as she walks over to the hat, picking it up she looks around to see who's turn it is. Seeing all the guys trying not to look at her, she ignores them. Her eyes set on the only slayer she secretly has a crush on. Sh sh, don't say anything!

"Cobra - san pick something." The girl smiles at him, he grins back reaching in he feels something cold. It's also smooth, when his nails hit it.
"Ding" is what he heard, pulling the thing out he finds it to be a bottle. His eyes dart to the Neko slayer, but before he could utter a word he is being pushed to the closet.

Moments later the door opens throwing in the Neko slayer, he was able to glare at the blue haired girl before the door got slammed in his face.

" Ow she pulled me by my ears!!! Meanie!!" Natsu rubs at his cat like ears, when he reached out he felt spiky smooth hair.

" Natsu, it's me." Cobra said grabbing the others hand, he looks at the smaller boy. The cat ears and tale looked cute on him, Cobra saw the tale swaying back and forth. Being curious he grabs at it, Natsu gasps in a pleasure full way.

" So you like that?"

Natsu pushes him away, trying to move farther away from the other. Thus since the closet is pretty small he didn't get that far.

Cobra moves closer, he licks at one of the cat ears. Getting a shiver from the other, Natsu starts to blush madly. The poison slayer squeezes the tale, making Natsu moan. He grins moving down to the Neko's neck that is exposed, Natsu forgot to put on his scarf.

He licks on one spot, than starts to suck and bite. Creating a hickey, one that he will have to hind.
Natsu groans he starts to get hard from the little touches, Cobra knows this that's why he's doing this to him.

" If you want more ask, we don't have much time left." Cobra says in a deep sexy way, Natsu's eyes shot open. He bites at his bottom lip, he wants to say yes yet he also doesn't want to get caught.


Cobra pulls away looking at him with eyes full of lusts and dominance. Natsu grabs at his shirt pulling him in, before there lips touch he mutters. " Touch me."

They're lips crash on to one another's, Cobra deepens the kiss by sliding his tongue in. Pushing his body on to's Natsu's, their bodies melt into one.

Cobra slides his hand up and down the pinkies tale, making Natsu grin against him.

" TIMES UP!!!" Crystal looks into the closet to see Natsu in a make out session with Cobra, grinding up against him. Groaning and moaning.

" Yaoi heaven, oh how I wish this will never end!!" She giggles like a little Fangirl that she is.

Cobra breaks the kiss and walks out like nothing happened, leaving a flustered Neko Natsu in the closet.

" Wha- Hey!" Natsu runs out glaring at the sexy slayer. " You knew!"

" Unm, Natsu you have a." Gray points out the bulge in the pinkies pants, when he looks down he runs to the bathroom.

Crystal falls to the ground laughing, she holds her stomach as well.

" That wasn't so bad." Cobra said actually looking forward to the next turn.

I hope you like it, I thought this would be better so I hope this is good enough for you.
Vote! Comment! Luv u guys!

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