Happy Birthday Gray

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Request by: maul44
💙❄️Lyon x Gray❄️💙 there will be a (A/N) at the end Plz read that.

Gray and Lyon have been dating and it helps when they are roommates at college. Lyon has been wanting to take there relationship further, Gray is unsure about it. So Lyon wanted for Gray's birthday to come, beast birthday present ever.

Gray walked into their room, seeing candles and rose petals on the floor leading to their bedroom.
He followed them the got wide eyed, there laying on the two twin sized beds that are next to each other. Is the white haired boy stroking his cock, with a sexy grin on.

" L-Lyon what is this?"

Gray walked closer to the bed where he is standing in front of it, Lyon lungs forwards grabbing Gray.
Now the raven is laying on the bed with a sexy naked man above him.

" This is your birthday present."

Lyon smashed his lips against Grays, also taking off Gray's clothes throwing them somewhere. Tongues Dancing, hands touching every inch of each other.

Once Lyon had Gray naked he pulls away kissing his neck, chest, and torso. Then went lower, to where he is looking at his boyfriends throbbing cock. He continues to go lower, then licked at Gray's entrance. Gray let out a little moan, grabbing at the white hair that belongs to his boyfriend, Lyon continues this licking more and more.
Then he adds one finger moving it around, gray winced at the pain. Lyon used his other hand to stroke the hard dick that has pre-cum pouring out of the tip. This sent waves of pleasure through the raven, and again Lyon adds another finger moving them together. His strokes getting faster, gray become to moan louder.

Once Lyon thought Gray was prepared enough he grabbed the lube out of nowhere ( Anime logic.)
Putting some on himself, he lined himself up with Gray's entrance.

" Gray do you want this?"

Gray grabbed Lyon pulling him for a kiss once they broke away gray said. " Lyon fuck me...make me sore tomorrow..!!"

Lyon eyes widen, who knew much dirty words would come out of Gray's mouth.
He thrusts in to the hilt, surprisingly he hit Gray's prostate. This making gray throw his head back letting out a loud moan, not at all feeling the pain.

Lyon kept ramming into his boyfriend, hitting the G'spot dead on.

" Ahhh....Lyon~"

Lyon grabs the throbbing cock stroking it in the same rhythm of his thrusts. He is also grunting and moaning from the warmest and how tight gray is.


Gray grabs at the bed sheets, feeling a knot in his stomach grow bigger. The beds making creek crack sounds, heavy breathing, grunts and moans covered the room.
Lyon's thrusts and strokes started to go sloppy, his orgasm is near.

" Ahhh....L-Lyon... Nahh ima cum.."

" Me...muhh too Gray...let's cum T-Together..."

A few more thrusts and they both came, Lyon filling gray and Gray covering their stomachs in his cum.

" Lyon I....love...you..." Gray said catching his breath, eyes full of love.

" I...love you too....Gray...
Happy birthday..." Lyon leafs down picking Gray's lips, then collapsed on his chest. Using the sound of Gray's heart beat put him to sleep, the rave hugs his tired boyfriend.

" Yeah...... Happy birthday to me....that was amazing.." He kisses Lyon on the head, then on the cheek. Soon falling to sleep happy about his birthday present.

/// like it? Love it? Wanna be their to see it? I know I do!

Well I have some good news

I got a new laptop!! Windows 10!!!

If you didn't know I'm old one got broken, so yeah and that was windows 8. And 8 is my favorite number, but I love this one! This also means I can update faster. All the good things are coming my way yay!!

So yeah the whole time I was getting all those things you guys said in the comments and the shoutouts, I was at best buy getting a new laptop. I started to cry in the store when I read what you said, I then got asked by my mum what was wrong. And when I told her, she looked so proud of me. I'm still in shock about how this happens on this day, one year ago I made this account and now I'm just shocked of what happened.

Well I need some sleep.
Vote! Comment! ❤️💙💜 You Guys!!

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