I like pink

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Request by: johnboy200112
Laxus x Natsu hope you enjoy.

Natsu has had a crush on the blond S-class dragon slayer for a while now. He thought about telling him, but the thought of Laxus hating pink scared him.
But tonight Natsu was going to do it! The courage he has been waiting for finally came, plus it helps when your a little drunk.

Natsu walked over to Laxus, who is talking to Bickslow about the job they came back from.

" Laxus I have something to tell you."

Laxus and Bickslow looked up to see the pinkie with a tint of pink on his checks, Laxus nods waiting for the younger slayer to speak.

" ILikeYou!" Natsu slabs out, Bickslow understood what he said. He got up and whispered. " I think you two should go to your place." He whispered to Laxus, the blond nods. Laxus gets up, he grabs Natsu's hand and in a flash they where in his living-room.

" How the hell you do that?!?" Natsu said in shock that in a blink in a eye they went from the guild to Laxus's house.

" Don't worry about it...now repeat what you said earlier." Laxus said as he took of his coat, and throwing it on the couch.

" Ohh that..... I like you Laxus....I have for a while now..." Natsu blushed, he lean up to pick at the blonds lips. Laxus pulled him closer, smashing their lips together. The blond moves his hands down to the pinkie's ass, he squeezed it making the pinkie gasp. Using this to slide his tongue in tasting every inch of his caver. Once they pulled away for air Natsu said something that made Laxus lose control.

" Laxus I want you..."

The blond picked Natsu up heading straight for his room, once entire he throws the pinkie on the bed. Ripping off their clothes, once he had them in nothing but their birthday suit. He starts by kissing Natsu's neck, chest, and torso. The pinkie letting out little grunts, Laxus leaving blueish purple marks on the tan skin.

" Laxus......"

Laxus grin when he saw the pink tint to his checks, and the lust in those brown eyes.
He looks more down to see Natsu is hard, by just being kissed?

" Some bodies hard."

Natsu blushes harder, making Laxus smirk. The blond went to the pinkies hard cock licking the tip, earning a moan. Laxus chuckles, he licks his fingers soaking them in his own saliva. He put one finger in finding that it's pretty loose.

" Dose some body touch them self?" Laxus asked well more like said knowing the answer, he licks more of the cock.

" nah....Laxus~"

The blond starts to bob his head up and down, adding another finger, then another. Having three fingers in the pinkie looking for that one spot that will make him see stars.

Natsu start to feel is orgasm coming. " Nahh.....Laxus...S-Stop I want you... Now!"

Laxus pulled out his fingers, he reached for the lube I'm his nightstand. Applying it on his own hard cock, the a little to Natsu entrance. He used some of his lightening to numb the pain nervous, so he could thrust in with no pain.

He did so ramming into the pinkie, Natsu flipped his head back moaning.

" Ahhh...Laxus~"

Laxus continues to thrust in and out of him, by the time the numbness went away. There was no pain just pleasure, Natsu arched his back grabbing the bed cover. Moaning, grunting, just being on cloud nine.

" Damn it! I'm gonna....cum..." Laxus said upset that he was already going to come, Natsu pulled him down for a kiss. Tongues dancing, eyes going foggy. Heavy breathing as they both start to get closer to climax, Natsu pulled away.

" L-Laxus...nahhhh...mmm I love y-you-ahhhh~" Natsu came, his cum covering his chest. The sight of seeing the pinkies face when he came made Laxus go over the edge, he came as well.

Both of them breathing heavily, looking into each other's eyes.

" I love you too Natsu...I also like it when you say my name."

He pulls out of Natsu, he lays next to him letting Natsu snuggle up next to him. Laxus kiss the top of Natsu's head smiling as they drift off to sleep.

//// I'm back! Sorry that it took a while I'm a bit stressed out. Don't worry I'll get the other requests done soon! Well Vote! Comment! Make another request! Luv you guys! ~bye:3~

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