don't sleep

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Request by: johnboy200112
Well I hope you enjoy my
Laxus x Bickslow

Bickslow has been wanting to get some for a while now, but non of the guys he has slept with sitisifed him.  So now he is walking around the guild looking for someone that might help his need, then a devil idea popped into his head. He walks to the table the rest of his teammates normal set, he reaches under it. Bickslow has been hiding drugs under the table, there nothing that is wrong. All they do is make you really horny, he loves them. The pills have no taste and no smell, plus when you drop it in water it doesn't change the color of the water. He walked over to the bar pouring a few pills into his new pray, he saw the mage walk back to him. Bickslow smiles watching the S-classed blond lightening dragon slayer drink his glass of booze.

" Hey Bickslow what you been up to?" Laxus asks setting his glass down, Bickslow's eyes following the now empty glass.

" Oh me I've been fine, I was just looking for someone." He replied, Laxus nods. He kinda knew what his friend does just not all of it, and sadly he doesn't now that he is the new pray.


After a few minutes the drugs started to kick in, and Bickslow could tell they where so he offers Laxus to come over to his place. Laxus didn't think anything of it and followed his friend to his place, they walked a few blocks away from the guild until they where there. Bickslow unlocked the door then went into his house, the blond walking behind him. His house wasn't small yet not that big, he had bought a living room set not that long ago. Laxus sat on the love seat Bickslow went to get some water for the both of them. Once he returned he saw that his friend is sweating and has a tint of pick on his cheeks.

" Bickslow where's the bathroom?"

" The first door to your left."

Laxus got up and left, Bickslow sat down thinking about if the drug will work. He knew that it kicked in, but he never tried it on a dragon slayer before.  But when he heard moaning he knew that it worked, Bickslow walked to the bathroom door putting his ear up against it hearing the blonds soft moans. He opened the door to see the lightening slayer leaning against the wall pumping his meet, his eyes are close. Laxus has his head looking down, he didn't even hear the door open. Bickslow walked over to him, he grabbed Laxus chin lifting it up.

" B-Bickslow?! When did y-yo-" He was cut off by lips pressed against his own, they soon left. Laxus's eyes are widen and he has stopped his action, he looked at Bickslow like he is crazy.

" Want some help?" Bickslow grabs at the blonds member making him gasp, slowly at a teasing pass he stroked him. Laxus tried not to let the little moans escape from his mouth.

" Laxus do you want to fuck me?" Bickslow asked in a sexy tone, stroking the member faster.

Laxus lost control there he throws Bickslow over his shoulder going to the sexy mage's room, throwing him on the bed. Bickslow took his hellit off then his shirt showing a toned chest, Laxus trow his own clothes off as well. Laxus kisses Bickslow neck sucking on the skin making turn purplish blue, then he went down to his left nipple sucking and nippling. Bickslow moaned like the feeling of being dominated, Bickslow normal would be top but tonight he thought he would go for bottom.

Laxus moved to the other nipple doing the same to that one, his hand went down to Bickslow's pants pushing those off. Then he grabs the blue haired Mage's boxers pushing those too, having to where he is the only one in boxers. Bickslow rips off the blonds boxer revealing a monster, he grins their cocks together getting a deep grunt. Laxus leans off of him, then leans back down for a kiss. Bickslow accepted the kiss kissing back, tongues moving in sync.

Laxus pulled away looking into Bickslow's dark red eyes, Bickslow reached for the lube that sets on his night stand. Laxus grabs it pouring a lot on his dick, he looks at Bickslow making sure that it is okay.

" I'll be fine Laxus, it's okay."

Laxus lines himself with the blue haired Mage's entrance, he took in a deep breath in then slowly he thrusts in him.

" grrrrrr......" Bickslow grunts in pain, he has never had a huge cock in him in a while. Laxus gives him a little while to adjust to his huge size, once he thought it was long enough he pulls out halfway then rams back in hitting his prostate dead on.

" F-Fuck...Ahhh hit there....there.."

Laxus did as told and continues to thrusts harder and faster hitting that G'spot each time. Bickslow flips his head back letting out loud moans and grunts, Laxus enjoying the warmth of being inside of the blue haired Mage.

" Damn...Laxus...nahhh~"

Laxus sends little bolts of lightning through his cock, this made Bickslow grab the bed sheets screaming in pure pleasure. Laxus leans in crashing their lips together, sliding his tongue in tasting the sweet cavern. Bickslow gasping for air, Laxus pulls away kissing down to his neck. Laxus finds the spot he likes and bits down on it, leaving yellowish gold scales there.
Clamming that Bickslow is his mate and no one can touch him, Bickslow is probably going to ask him about this later.

He thrusts a few more times feel his climax is very near, Bickslow can feel the blonds cock twitching inside of him.

" Ahh...ima..ima...nahhhhh
cummmm gahhhhh Nahh mmm."

Bickslow came all over his chest, Laxus thrusts a few more times before coming too. Filling Bickslow with his hot seamen, pulling out he lays next to Bickslow panting.

" That's.....what...I needed..."
Bickslow smiles, he turns to face Laxus.

" You didn't have drug me."

" Yeah....but it seemed more.. fun." Bickslow laughs sticking his tongue out, Laxus chuckles and hugs him. They share a good passionate kiss before they finally fall asleep.

Just as they fall asleep, the night ends and I knew morning starts without the two love birds.

/// Damn I wasn't trying to make it this long, I guess that's what happens when your typing on a computer while listening to Empire songs. Lol ^^
Well I hope you have enjoyed oh and that was my last request so if you want to request another go ahead, but I was think of doing a
Laxus x Gajeel. I have been reading a lot of this on, so yeah if you want me to tell me.
Vote! Comment! Luv you guys!

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