What happened to Natsu?

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I had a idea guys so this is my little closet moment.

Crystal went out of the room to get something at the moment Natsu is just starting to slowly wake up. Gajeel saw it and walked over to him, leaning down he sees that Natsu is finally waking up from the attack he got from the blue haired girl.

" Nice to see your still with us." The iron slayer says. Natsu got up his eyes just barely open, at this moment Crystal comes back with a pink bottle in her hands.

" Natsu I have something for you to drink." She walks over to him, giving the stupid slayer the bottle. He trusts her and drinks the hole thing.

" He is an idiot." Gajeel looks at the bottle and sees 'neko' on it sighing he walks to the others. " Guys we have a new version of Natsu!"

All look to see a neko Natsu, most start to laugh others looking in they're drinks.

" I hope this makes it more fun:3" Crystal says.

" And we are screwed." Gray adds, Lyon nods.

" WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME?!?!??!" Natsu yells in the mirror, Gajeel puts his hand on the others shoulder.

" Crystal thinks this is fun, sadly you are this first to be like this."

" I say we just now piss off Crystal, then maybe we will live." Cobra said from the other side of the room, he looks at the rest. Then his eyes meet the only girl in the room, giving her a long look he walks to her.

" You better not do what I heard." Then a evil grin formed on her face.

The guys all looked in  horror, all worried of what the girl has planned for them.

I hope you found that funny, I did. XD
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