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Request by: welerpy
Gajeel x Natsu x Sting hope you enjoy.

Natsu has been in heat for a while now and being Natsu he has no idea what's wrong with him. Two dragon slayers have noticed this and both want to take that virginty away, but they refuse to share.

Sting comes up with an idea one day and sends a letter to  Makarov saying:
Dear Makarov.
I have a job that I think Natsu might like....along with Gajeel though I believe Natsu will love it more. I'm coming over to talk to you more about this job and the stuff that goes with it.
Sincerely Sting.

A few days later Sting was at Fairytail and talking with Makarov. Now Makarov knew what this was about, he ain't stupid. He saw the way Gajeel would look and Natsu, so now having Sting over made the situation more clear.

Either Natsu's in heart, or one of them want to have the pride of taking the pinkie's virginty away.

Once Natsu walked into the guild, Gajeel watches him walk. Sting watching Gajeel, it's clear that they are competing for Natsu. Very clear.

Makarov comes up with an better idea, then a evil grin crosses his face. The blond being to busy to relies that the Fairytail master is coming up with a evil plan for the three slayers.

" Sting how about you guys all go to the hot springs in Akane Beach, have a fun day with Natsu....and Gajeel."

Sting smiled brightly, Makarov nods then calls for Natsu & Gajeel. Once they came over Makarov tells them what they are doing, Gajeel likes it. Natsu on the other hand argus, saying something like ' Why the hell do I have to go with them??!! Gramps this is a bad idea!!! Fuck this I'm not going!!'

Makarov sighs, then his fist grows now above the pinkies head he slams in down like a hammer hitting a nail. Natsu groans in pain, Gajeel and Sting both try to think of something else. Hearing salamander groan made both of them get uncomfortable in their lower regions.

Natsu being dumb didn't smell that their sent's changed, from normal to  aroused. Sting grabs Natsu's scarf pulling him, Gajeel follows them out the door.

" Thank you." Gajeel said before walking out the guild, Makarov smiled.

" I hope this helps them." He mutters.

------skipping the train ride because of motion sickness--------

Once they got to Akane Beach Sting went to get them a room, Natsu kissed the floor happy that he is off the train. He thought he was going to die on it, so did Gajeel but he will never amid it. Sting got them one room with two beds, just in case Gajeel or Natsu wants to sleep alone.

Sting comes back to tell them where to go, they follow him to the room. Natsu began to unpack a few things while Gajeel and Sting has a little talk.

" So how do ya want to do this?" Gajeel whispers, looking at the blondie.

" Well he is a virgin and we both want to take that, right?"

" Yea." Gajeel whispers back.

" Alright I have a plan."
Sting looks at Nstsu with an evil grin.

--------skipping their talk( ugh I just wanna get to the sex....ugh.)

Gajeel left the room going to get some of the things they'll need. Sting now had to get the fire mage horny and quick. Thinking of how he was going to do so, Natsu walked passed him to go lay on one of the beds.

Then a great idea popped into the blonds head, grinning he walks over to the bed that Natsu is on. Leaning down to face him he left the pinkies chin up.

" Sting what ar-"

Sting pressed his lips against the pinkies, licking at his bottom lip asking. Surprisingly Natsu opened his mouth, allowing the blonds tongue enter his mouth. But just because he could enter doesn't mean he can take control, Natsu grabs at Sting's clothes pulling him into the bed. Fighting for dominance, Sting smirked. His plan is working better then he thought...maybe even to well. Natsu starts to take control of his, ripping the blonds clothes off

" Hey! Ya can't start without me!" Both boys looked up to see Gajeel, his shirt his gone and he has a callar in his hand. Crawling onto the bed, he puts the dog callar on Natsu's neck. The pinkies scarf folded nice on the night stand.

" What the hell?" Natsu gabbed at the pet collar on his neck.

" Don't grab that, grab this." Sting takes Natsu hand putting it on his hard member, stroking himself with Natsu's hand.

" Ya work on Sting, I'll be back here." Gajeel pulled off the pinkies pants and boxers, then spread his cheeks. Licking at Natsu's hole.

" Ahh!" Natsu lifted his hips in the air, high up. Gajeel smirked while licking Natsu.

" Awe Gajeel you got the best part!" Sting pouts, the iron slayer chuckles. Natsu stops stroking Sting and brings his head closer, sticking his tongue out. He starts by liking the tip, slowly moving down.

" Never mind...uhh I have the better uh e-end." Sting mutters, combing his fingers through Natsu's salamander like hair.

Use your imagination to finish it, that's how she wants it so if u no likey. Screw u! ( nicest way I could say it sorry)
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