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CrystalKay: Hello you wonderful people!!

Natsu: What are you planning now??!!

Gajeel: I thought this shit was over!

CrystalKay: This isn't over all of ya'll have one last thing to do!

Cobra: No I'm not! *Gose to leave but gets stuck and couldn't move* WHAT FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!?

CrystalKay: Bakudo 61: Rikujou Koro, 6 Bar Seal Rikujou Kourou. Heheehhehe. Now who else will like to leave?

Gajeel: Actaully this isn't that bad after all, I think I'll stay.

Laxus: *mutters* Crazy bitch...

Natsu: *Tries to leaves.*

CrystalKay: Bakudo number 4: Hainawa! 

Gray: Where did you learn this stuff from??

CrystalKay: From a few friends, now on with the reason why you all are here!!

Lyon: This has a bad feeling to it.

Sting: Natsu are you okay?

Natsu: Yup, just can't move my body.

Cobra: Me too.

Loe: She has learned some new tricks, this means trouble.


Laxus: Isn't it 7 minutes in heaven?

CrystalKay: Yes, but that isn't enought time for all of you!

Lyon: Your gonna lock us up in a closet for 20 minutes??

Gray: This might be fun.

Gajeel: Dosen't sound that bad.

Cobra: Let me go on, I'm not gonna leave.

CrystalKay: I don't know how to do that yet sadly, you could trie to break out. Sorry Cobra-san.

Natsu: Waait I can just break out of this??!! 

CrystalKay: Break out of it and I'll put another one on you. Cobra-san won't trie again because he knows what will happen.^^

*Cobra breaks free, Natsu dose as well.*

CrystalKay: Natsu you trie to leave again and your gonna be nailed to the wall!

Natsu: Ay Ma'm!!

CrystalKay: Now to you that is reading this! You can pick who you want in the closet, or how you want it to go with whoever is in the closet! 

Laxus: Please pick no one.

Cobra: Agreed!

Rogou: Why must this stuff happen to us??

Bickslow: This is gonna be fun. Fun. Fun.Fun *his Babies say*

CrystalKay: Now get on with the comments!!! This is gonna be soooo much fuuunnnn!!!^^

CrystalKay: I also should say that after the game is over, this book will finally be done!!

Gajeel: It better fucking be!

Cobra: It is, but we will still have other things to do for her.

Sting: There's no excapping it is there?

Gray: Sadly no.

Natsu: Shit!


Well I hope you are ready, and another thing sorry for not doing this sooner. I was gone at my Grandma's than my Cousin's place, now I am home. I been on the road too much..... and more and more ideas came to me, so hopfull all of my stories will get updated. I really hope you understand this and don't think I am lieing to ya'll. 

Luv u guys! Vote! Comment! 



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