I'm sorry

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Request by: anime_36 I hope this is what you wanted, I kinda teared on this very sad ;(. This might have some lemon in it.


Natsu is on his way to his boyfriend's place with a bright smile on his face. Today is their 2 year anniversary, the two years were the most magical moments of his life. Natsu loved his boyfriend very much whenever he needed someone Sting was there, when he was broken and couldn't put the piece back together Sting was there. And when Natsu needed some real love Sting knew how to give it to him, that's why Natsu was so happy to go see him.

Once he got to the door of the blonds house he walked in, thinking about maybe surprising him. But as he walked up the stairs he heard some weird sounds.

"Sting~ ahh"

Natsu sniffed the air smelling sex and a sent he knows oh too well, he walked over to the door of the same room him and Sting first had sex.


Natsu was lied on the bed gently, then he felt warm arms wrap around him. Soft kisses on his neck up to his lips, Sky blue eyes looking into his black ones. Sting smiled leaning in to kiss him, tongues dancing with one another. The blond removed their clothes not breaking away from the kiss, once he had the pinketten shirt off he pulls away kissing and suck on his chest. While his hand forced on Natsu's pants, the pinkie letting out soft moans. Sting got the pants off along with his boxers, he moved more down to lick the tip of his boyfriends legh. Natsu shivered by the warm breath on him, his moans getting louder.

" Sting~"

Sting licked it more then began to take it all in, wrapping his tongue around it. Natsu grabbed the white-mage's blond hair, pushing him down more. Sting takes his fingers sticking two into the pinkie, he grunts in pain mixed with pleasure. Moving his fingers stretching the inside of Natsu getting him ready for what's to come. After he made sure Natsu was ready he takes the lube covering his cock in it, pulling away from Natsu's member pitting his at the pinkies entrance.

" Are you ready? Natsu?"

" Yes Sting." Natsu said unsure but then saw the worry and censor in Sting's eyes, that's when head nobs telling Sting that it is okay.

Sting pushes in all the way, then waited for Natsu to get used to his size. After a few seconds natsu wiggles his hips, letting Sting know that it is okay to move. The blond pulls out about half way then rams in hitting that spot, Natsu leans up wrapping his arms around Sting's neck. Loud moans echoed the room along with flesh hitting flesh. Sting bits down on the pinkies neck leaving a mating mark, Natsu doing the same thing.

" Sting~ nah~"

Natsu kisses the blond playing with his tongue, looking at each other while doing so. This is what lovers do share love, make love, a love that can not be made from magic no this is love true love. And Natsu is having this with someone that he truly loves, Sting, Sting Eucliffe.

" Natsu I love you...."

" I love you Sting....."

That night the two of them made a special connection, that will never wayer.

End of Flashback

Natsu walked into the same room he made love with his boyfriend, then saw his best friend moaning holding onto Sting while he thrust in and out of her. He didn't say anything, no he just looked at them tears running down his face.

" Lucy.....I love you....nah."

Natsu punched the door making it have a crack in it, Lucy looked over at the door then got wide eye. Sting looked seeing his boyfriend standing in the door way tear running down his face eyes red from all the tears. Sting jumps up off of Lucy reaching out for Natsu who just walks away leaving a card on the ground. The blond puts some pants on then picks up the card reading what it said, his eyes pop out of his head. He throws it behind him taking off after the pink running around like a crazy man.

Natsu walks across the street heading to his place, the memories of him and sting go though his mind. Sting saw the pinkie walking with his head down, he called out to him Natsu turned around to see something that made his heart shatter to pieces. Sting ran across the street without looking and got hit by a truck, Natsu ran over to him falling to his knees holding the blonds head. Sting had a few broken rips one of them went through his lungs, as he slowly dies he looks up at Natsu smiling.

" Natsu....I'm sorry.....I love you.....I hope you can forgive me.....It will be okay..."

Natsu went to speak but couldn't find the words, his tears drip onto Stings face. He hugs Sting holding him telling himself that it would be okay Sting will be okay.

" S-Sting.... you can't go....I love you..stay don't leave me..!!!" He cries out voice cracking, he takes Sting's hand holding up to his cheek. The blond smiles then slowly closes his eyes, Natsu felt his hand go limp.

" NO STING!! YOU CAN'T!! YOU can't!!" He looks up at the sky seeing a rainbow, thinking that was sting telling him goodbye.


It's been two mouths sence Sting passed and Natsu wasn't the same sence, he has locked himself away. Each day he would go outside and walk pasted the blonds old house, then he would look at the street. His friends have tried to help him but he would run away from them, but today Natsu walked over to his good friend that actually would come over to his house to check on him. Gajeel would check on him when he would get bad feelings about Natsu, but having him come over to his place made him think there was something up.

Natsu visited with Gajeel laughed and smiled, after a while he left. Once he got home he went into his kitchen picking up a knife putting it up against his neck.

" Sting I can't live without you, I forgive you. And I love you." Natsu looked up then cut his throat, the blood pouring down his body to the floor. he fell to the ground died with a smile on his face.

On their craves written in tone, they loved each other so much that death can't do them part

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On their craves written in tone, they loved each other so much that death can't do them part.

//// I'm crying this is soo sad I can't believe i wrote this.....i hope you liked it I know the song probably doesn't go with this but I was listening to it will I was writing this.Vote! Comment! luv you guys! ~bye~


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