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Request by: johnboy200112
Laxus x Natsu. I need so help guys! Could you guys comment the request I have left so I know what to do next, I'll appreciate it.

Laxus walked up to his best friend, his boyfriend, his lover and handed him a letter. A tear was able to escape from his closed eyes, Natsu took it then looked at the blond. He reaches out to touch his cheek, but his hand was slapped away. His eyes widen he throw the letter on the table, in their kitchen.

They share a apartment, Natsu moves in with Laxus after college. They have been together ever scene.

" Laxus is there something wrong?"

No reply, Natsu went to walk forwards but got pushed away hard making him fall to the floor. He looks up to see Laxus turn and walk away.

" It's over, your trash I don't want to be with that! This is goodbye Natsu don't call or text me again!" Then he left slamming the door on his way out, Natsu was still on the floor he slowly got up then went to the bedroom. Once he got in he lied on the blonds side, his face buried in the pillow taking in the smell of. That safe, warm, caring sent made it harder to let him go. It made it hard to accept the fact that he is gone, Natsu reached for his cell phone he scrolled through his contacts tears rolling down his face. Stopping when he was that name he put Laxus under,
' lover' he wanted to call but thought it might make matters worse so he went to call Lucy and Gajeel his best friends. Calling Lucy first before he calls Gajeel.

The phone ringed in his ear about two times before a sweet gentle voice answered.

" Hello Natsu."

" Lucy......c-could you c-come....over?" Natsu's voice cracked, she heard the saddest in his voice.

" Yea I'm on my way." Her voice changed to worry, the phone went deep deep after she was done. He went to call Gajeel, the reason being his Gajeel is like a older brother to him so he thought that maybe he could make things better.

The phone ringed once then a rough voice on the other end spoke.
" what ya need?"

Natsu could speak tears running down his face.

" Natus? Ya okay?"

He went to speak but only sobbing came out, he was able to get a few mutters out tho.

" please come o-over...."

He heard nothing on the other end, for a while.

" I'll be there in two minutes. It's going to be okay Natsu."

Then that deeping noise could be hear again, he closed his phone and picked himself up. Walking to the living room he saw the letter that he threw on the table, he walked up to it taking it. Opening the letter he began to read what it said.

Dear Natsu

I know you probably already or is going to call Gajeel and Lucy. That's good you are going to need them for a while. Now to tell you the reason why I left you, my dad is out again and I'm going to kill him. Then probably go to jail for I don't know how long. I didn't want you to be with someone that isn't good enough for you, so I would like it if you hated me instead.

Natsu I will always love you, and I will miss you.

Goodbye my lover
Goodbye my friend
You have been the one for me.

~Laxus Drayer

Natsu collapsed to the floor, that's just then the door opened having two people run in. They both go straight to Natsu holding him telling him that every thing was going to be okay.

After that day Natsu never seen or heard from Laxus again.

/// so I hope you have liked that oh and please could we stop with the sad story's they make me cry. Well my brother is almost here so I gonna go guys.

Vote! Comment! Luv you guys!


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