Crystal has camera's?!?! {Part2}

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Crystal: "Hellllooooo from the other siiiidddeeee"🎶

Gajeel: " I must have called a thousand tiiiimmmmeeeess"🎶

Cobra: Shut the FUCK up!!!!

Crystal: Cobra-San your renining the fun! *pouts like an anime character*

Cobra: You have a story to write, you haven't updated in a long time.Work!

Crystal: " Work, Work, Work, let my body do the work, work, work."🎶

Gajeel: Face it man, you can't win

Cobra: Go to hell Gajeel!!
And why r u adding emojis?!?!

Crystal: because y not.😝

Cobra: I'm surrounded by animals and children.

Crystal: " Baby I'm praying on you tonight hunt you down eat you alive"🎶

Gajeel: " Just like"🎶

Crystal & Gajeel: " ANIMALS!!!" 🎶

Cobra: I give up....

Crystal: Now let's work! Cobra-San finally gave up yay!!

When he gets to the door, Laxus opens it. Walking in he shuts the door and locks it, once it got locked Crystal ran to the kitchen and then came back.

" Heheheh, now let's see what's gonna happen." She smirks an evil smirk.

~In the room~

Laxus looks around the dark room to find the iron slayer on the bed, with his back leaning against the bed frame. Legs spared out, his pants are down to his knees along with his boxers.

" Your doing it with out me? How rube."
The blond walks over to the bed, gets on it and looks at Gajeel with eyes full of lust.

" Get the fuck out!!" Gajeel turns his face, half embarrassed and half pissed.

Laxus lifts up Gajeel's legs, and lays between them. Looking at the others nice tight hole, he licks it. Learning a groan from Gajeel.

The iron slayer slowly let go of his hard member, and went to cover his mouth. To muffle his moans. The blond licked at it more, but this time going in. His tongue slides in, tasting the inside of the black haired slayer. His hand reached up and gripped the hard cock. Slowly at a teasing past he stroke it.


Gajeel flips his head back, shutting his eyes. Trying to keep his hand at his mouth, but the pleasure is just too much. Slowly he begins to lose his straight, and he says something that shocked him to no extent.

" More......nah.."


Repeat in his head, that one word. Has so much behind it that it's intoxicating. Is he drugged? Did he get poisoned?

Why is the one word, turning him on? He has no idea, but what he does know is that he does want more. Much much that it kills him.

Laxus strokes faster, pumping the hard think pre-cum cock. That is turning a darker color, wanting to release. Begging for it.

" Your so my bitch." Laxus said, making Gajeel moan very loud. Warm breath just hit his sensitive spot, making him warmer inside. If that was even possible.

The blond stops licking and sucks on his fingers, soaking them in his silva. Inserting one he moves that one finger around.

" Aaahhh.....ugh..."

Smirking Laxus pushes in another finger, pushes them deeper in the iron slayer. Gajeel feels a little uncomfortable by that, but when your dick his getting pumped at the same time it's a mix of feels.

" Moan for me...say my name.." Laxus blows warm air on the tip of Gajeel's cock, shivers go down his spin.


Laxus moves his fingers in a scissoring motion, stretching the tight virgin hole. Preparing him for what's coming next.

"I-I'm....nah...ready..." Gajeel, knew that if he kept doing what his doing that he would be finished. Laxus looked up and grind, Gajeel's face is all flustered. His eyes are foggy, pleasure written across his face. Happy with his work, the blond pulls out his fingers and uses the pre-cum as lube.

Sliding his hand up and down his own, hard,thick, huge cock. He pushes himself in, grunting for how tight it still is after he just loosen him up.


*I type that and my phone shows 'Ra-San' as the next word....WTF?!?!*

Gajeel reaches up and wraps his arms around the muscular blonde. Burying his face in Laxus's shoulder, pain mixed with pleasure boils upside him. This feeling is incredible.

" Well it's in...." Laxus nipples on Gajeel's ear. His voice is husky, and rough. Just him along talking, will make the iron slayer go over the edge.

Laxus is like a drug, everything he says or does is so toxic.

After a few moments, Laxus begins with a few slow thrusts. Slowly working up to pounding him.

" Uh..ah....ugh..."

Gajeel straight to hold on is slipping away, he is so Laxus's bitch now.

" You like don't you? Say my name....scream it..I want everyone to hear you beggin'." Laxus whispers in Gajeel's ear, bitting on it as well.

"Nahhh ahhhhhh...!!"

" Say it you, dirty slut.."
Slowly down, Laxus starts to tease him. He knows that the iron slayer is at his limit.

" Laxus...!! please...."
Embarrassment went through him, Gajeel never thought in his wildest dreams he would be the one at someone's mercy. Begging for more.

" Look your cock is so hard, it's throbbing." Laxus said in a rough and sexy tone, he keeps up his past. Going faster, hitting that spot perfectly. Just enough to make him want more and beg for it.

" Ah...nahh...ah."

Laxus smirks and sends lightening bolts, up to make the iron slayer cum. So every time his cock hits it little bolts shock is enough to make Gajeel see stars.

" that....I'll...Nahhh.....gahh....."

Gajeel feels his cock throbbing for release. Laxus also knew.

" Cum, cum for me slut."

Laxus thrust in him one more time, and Gajeel cums. Shooting up landing on his stomach and adman. Laxus gives a few more thrusts on that its looser, and fills him with his cum.

Both are panting, exhausted from their activities. Laxus pulls out and lays next to Gajeel, cuddling him.
They soon went to sleep.

~In the living room~

Crystal pasted out from too much blood loss, and Sky is next to her. The computer that is now showing two slayer sleeping, is setting on the table. The other boys are using this time to nap a little.

/// ftlucy227 I hope you like it, sorry that it took so long. I was busy, and got lazy I didn't forget about this story though. I'll update the next chapter maybe some time next week. Right now it's 2:20am for me so I worked hard for you guys!!

Vote! Comment! Luve ❤️💙❤️💚💜 u guysXD!!


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