Chilling the flames

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For FenPham

Gajeel soon brought back the fangirl, the rest of them sighed. Getting ready for that's next to come.

"Alright guys! New plan." She picked up the hat and throws everything out of it, then throws it at Natsu. "Burn it Natsu! To hell with that hat, I'll be picking who goes in!!" She said cheerfully, as the fire mage sets fire to the hat. Everyone watched as the hat burned to ashes, some happy that they don't have to stick there hand in it. Others scared because now they're fate is in the girl's hands.

"Hahaha..." Crystal claps and the lights went out, being fast she grabs the two needed and throws them in the small love closet~

Clapping her hands again the lights turn on, everyone blinking they're eyes only one person noticed who's missing.

"Ah fuck! Salamander is in the fuckin' closet again!" The iron slayer yells, everyone groans.

"Wait where's Gray?" Lyon asked looking for the stripper. The raven-like haired male scanned the room, no signs of the stripper anywhere.

"He's in the closet with the flaming idiot." Cobra spoke over the others groans. Then they all groaned and sighed, knowing that this can only end in a war.

           ~In The Closet~

"Fuck this shit I'm not gonna stay in here for 20 minutes with  flame brain!" Gray banged on the door, angry that his first time in the closet is with the idiot.

Natsu sat against the other wall, crossing his arms over his chest. His cheeks have a light tint of pink.

Gray soon stops finding that it doesn't matter how much he bangs on the door. Sighing he slides down to the floor, crossing his legs over each other. He looks at what he believes is Natsu, reaching out he touches the small male's cheek. Feeling the heat remining off of the male's cheeks he smirked.

"Natsu~" Gray said in a smooth and soft tone, he leans forward. Slowly at a teasing past, he leaned into kiss the pinkie. Pressing his lips against the other's, smooth and cold mix with soft and warm.

As lips move together, Natsu placed his hand on the ice mage's chest. Not knowing when Gray's shirt left his body.

Gray broke the kiss and froze the door shut. Smirking, now the fangirl can't interrupt them.

He pushes the smaller male onto the floor, removing his scarf and vest. The raven kisses and sucks on the fire mage's hot sexy body, leaving no tan smooth flesh unturned.

Sweat cute little moans and gasps escape the pinkies lips, he tugs on the raven's hair.

"Gray!" He gasped when said male takes one of his pink hard nipples into his mouth. His mouth cold and chilly, but his tongue is warm. The sensation is incredible.

Smirking the raven stops, removing his and Natsu's pants and boxers. He grinds his erection against the pinkies, earning a sexy moan.
Licking his lips he makes an ice cube and uses it as lube. Rubbing the cold cube at the others hole, watching it melt. Natsu shivers by the cold cube melting to cold freezing water.

"Damn your so cute!" Gray strokes his big thick cock with more ice cubes, looking at the other squirm and shiver under him.

Loosing his will to control himself, Gray rubs his tip at the pinkies hole. He pushes himself into the got tight sheath. Groaning he clenches his teeth together, looking down at the smaller male he sees that Natsu is in pain.

"Shhh it's okay, just bear it a little more Natsu. Relax." He said softly and smooth, rubbing the pinkies cheek. Making him feel safe and hoping that he relaxes.

Feeling a bit better Natsu slowly starts to relax, getting used to the feeling. Gray waits for Natsu to be ready.

After a few minutes the pinkie pushes against the raven. Gray groaned, then starts to thrust in and out of the smaller.

As they start both hear the blue haired girl on the other end banging on the door, wanting to open the door.

"GAJEEL-KUN BREAK DOWN THIS FUCKING DOOR!!" She yelled, making the ice mage chuckle. Natsu looked over at the door, using some of his magic he melts the handle for the door. Making it even harder to open it now.

"Nice one babe." Gray smiled seeing that the others flames melt the handle, he leans down and kisses the pinkies head.

Now knowing that no one will be bothering them, they continue. Moaning and groaning loudly as they pleasure each other.

Grays cold and warm cock rams in and out of Natsu's hot and tight sheath. Making the smaller see stars.

"God Natsu your so tight and hot! Ahm!~" 
Gray sucks and bites Natsu's neck, as he starts to get closer. Natsu moaned louder crying out from the pleasure the raven is giving him.

Both of they're moans and groans could be heard outside the closet, making the fangirl mad.

As both of them start to get closer, the girl on the other end starts to get pissed.

Gray thrusts into the other harder and faster, then groans out Natsu's name as he fills the other with his cold and freezing cum.

"G-Gray!~ Aahhmm!!~" Natsu moaned louder cumming on his stomach and chest. His eyes foggy and lusty.

Thrusting in and out a few more times, Gray pulls out then sits back panting. Natsu pants along with him, both exhausted and drained.

Gray slowly starts to put his boxers and pants back on, then leans down and cleans off the cum on the others stomach and chest.
Natsu moaned softly, after Gray was done he got up and put on his boxers and pants. Grabbing his vest and scarf, he looks at the door and the at Gray.

"Ready to go out?"

"Yeah." Gray nods and kicks the door down, both blink they're eyes. Then gulp seeing a very pissed off Crystal standing in front of them.

"You. Are. Dead."

Sorry for the long ass wait!!! But this is my Christmas present to you guys!! Merry Christmas!!!

Anyways I'll try to finish the other requests as fast as I can, also I'm in a hurry so sorry for the mistakes.

I hope you like this and have a great Christmas/ Hanukkah!

I love all of you and wish you the very best! Please Vote! Comment! And 💜💛❤️💙💚❣ ALL OF YOU!!


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