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Request by: Crazykid2047
Loke x Hibiki hope you enjoy this one.

Loke wanted to visit Blue Pegasus, it's been a while since he last visited them. Even though he was never a member, he still felt like that is his home. Before me left he did tell Lucy that he would be gone for a while, so that she would know not to go on any jobs until he gets back. Another reason was because Loke thought that Hibiki was good looking. Loke isn't a 100% gay but he was fooled around with a couple of men before, and found pleasure in it. But the thought of Hibiki begging to cum makes him hard just thinking it.

He walks into his very very old guild, seeing master bob at the bar. Walking over to him, master bob turns around and smiles running over to hug Loke.

" Ohh Leo you came to visit us!!! I'm so happy!!" Leo hugs him back smiling at master bob acting like a child.

" Oooh you have gotten sexier since last time I saw you." Master bob eyes Loke up and down, seeing how much good looking he is now.

" Thanks master bob, I was kinda wondering if Hibiki was around?" Loke mentally slapped himself for asking it out of nowhere.

" Hibiki? Why do you want to know that darling?"
Master bob walked Loke over to the bar having him take a seat, while he gets him something to drink.

" Well......I want to talk to him, you know maybe he'll him with training? I saw what happened to him in the grand magic games, so I thought I-"

Master bob cut him off. " Sweat heart I know you like him, but I don't know if Hibiki will swing that way. I'm sorry darling."

Loke looked down." I figured, it doesn't matter talking will be enough. Hibiki won't know about our conversation right?"

" I won't know about what?"

Loke turned to see Hibiki standing behind him alone, master bob mumbled something about cleaning his office. Then left them alone.

" How long of you been standing there?" Loke got up stepping closer to the other male.

" Long enough to hear what master bob said." Hibiki walked closer to the other mage. Loke's eyes widen preparing himself for rejection, but what come wasn't what he thought no it was a kiss.

Hibiki kissed him, as he pulled away Loke grabbed his shirt pulling him in. Smiling into the kiss Hibiki kiss back, their tongues entwined with one another. Hands touching each other, eyes closed. Loke leaned away to whisper. " Your place?"

Hibiki took in a few breathes of air. " Yeah."

-------time skip brought to you by my tooth-------

Once they got to the brownish blond haired mages place, Hibiki lead Loke to his room.

" Have you done this before?" Loke asked the thought of him being his first is a little of a turn on. Loke pushed him into the bed, unbottoning his shirt.

" N-No, but I have read a few things."

Hibiki removes his shirt, showing his tone chest. Loke smiles at the other mages nice body. His dreams are finally coming true, all those night of imaging this are finally becoming reality.

" Have you touched yourself? You know what I mean." Loke grins at the blush that goes across the brownish blond's face. He nipples on the flesh on his neck awaiting for is answer. Loving the little groans that are coming out of that beautiful mouth, that he can't wait to get a taste of.

" I-I....." Hesitanting to answer, never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be the one talking dirty and being dominated. Loke moves down to the hard pink nipples taking one in his mouth the other with his hand. Hibiki moans, biting at his bottom lip. " Jerk off.....and sometimes use a toy....." He looks away not wanting to see the disgusting look that he knew he would get, but instead he hear something different.

"Damn.....your making it hard not to funk your brains out..." Mutters the Celeste steele sprite. Trying to fight the urge to not just ram into him now, just the image of Hibiki pleasuring himself was enough to make Loke cum but seeing him use a 'toy' almost made him loose control.

" It's not disgusting to you?" Hibiki was shocked. How can that make him want him more?

" What? No it's not I like it..." Loke purrs, moving lower on the other mage. Now facing that brownish blond's pants he swiftly removes them along with the dark almost navy blue boxers. Seeing the blue Pegasus Mage's cock, pre-cum pouring out on the tip. It's about 6 inches long Loke guessed, dieing inside wanting to have it in his mouth. But he doesn't suck it as much as he wants to, he knows if he dose he might might not be able to do what he wants to.

Feeling the uncomfortable feeling in his pants he leans off of the other male, removing his out pants and boxers. Hibiki watches as the Celeste Steele sprite Mage puts on a little show, once the clothing was gone Hibiki gulped.

" That's supposed to fit in me?!" He whispers eyes widen. Loke looked to be 8 inches, and had a good amount of pre-cum pouring out on the top.

" Oh c'mon it's not that big." Loke chuckles knowing that that's a big lie. Most woman love his cock, but men where either worried of what might happen to them or would just top him so they don't have to worry.

He pushes his fingers up in the other males mouth, Hibiki knew what to do and wanted to make sure they are covered in saliva. Sucking on the digest wrapping his fingers in his saliva, Loke thought they where good enough. Pulling out of the mouth with a 'pop' he presses two into the mage, feeling that it's not that tight. Thanking the toys for this, they are making this easier.

" Where's your lube?" Loke knows that he must have some, spit will work but not that well.

"Nah....under the bed." Hibiki groans out.
Loke smirks reaching under to feel the bolt he pecks it up. Squeezing the bolt to get the lube out, then applying some on the brownish blonds hole. The rest on his cock.

" Ready." It was more of a statement then a question.

" Wai- Ugh..ah.."
Hibiki felt a shock of pain go through him like a knife. Loke saw the pain in his eyes, he leans down locking lips with him. Their tongues faced with one another, waiting for him to get used to the size.

Hibiki was able to get out a few words." please.."

Loke's eyes widen. 'Did Hibiki just beg??!!' He thought, this made him loose it. Pulling out then ramming back in hitting that pleasure spot dead on.

" H-Hit that again..ah nah."

Loke moved to suck on his neck groaning.

Hibiki feels like on cloud nine, waves and waves of pleasure go through him every time Loke thrusts into him. Then he felt it that knot in his stomach, his orgasm near. Loke's dick twitched inside of the other male, he reaches for Hibiki's cock pumping it.

" Loke...I'm ganna..Ahhh~" his seamen shot out covering Loke's hand and his own cheat, he tighten a little around Loke's throbbing member.

" Sssshit...nah nah~"
Coating the brownish blonds insides with is hot sticky cum. A after riding out his orgasm, he pulls out the lays next to Hibiki breathing heavily. Along with Hibiki.

"That was....amazing" Hibiki pants out, Loke turns his head to face him.

" Better fantasies.."
Loke chuckles.

" You should 'visit' more...often" Hibiki moved to rested his head on Loke's chest.

'I'll visit every week..I need to visit my old guild more often..' He thought, then wrapped his arm around the body next to him. Going to sleep happy.

//// I have finished I'm feeling sick. This sucks first my tooth now my stomach 😩😩😩😩😖😖😖 why meh???!!!???
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