Best Night

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Request by: Crazykid2047 Gray x Natsu x Loke hope u enjoy.                                                                                       --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gray and Loke have a plan for the fire dragon slayer, a plan that will be the best thing. The plan is to give Natsu the best night of his life! Him, Gray, and Loke have been a thing, they have all made love together. But to Gray and Loke it isn't enough, they want to make sure to give the pinkie the time of his life.

That's why right now they have Natsu running around town picking up the things they need, while Gray and Loke prepare themselves for what they are going to do.

It didn't take long for the pinkie to return, but what Natsu wasn't expecting was the lights to be off. And I few candles lit, with red petals leading to their room. The pink haired male walked to the room's door that is closed. Pushing it open he finds that both the two others are on the bed together stroking each other off.

" Finally,come over here Natsu." Loke said waving his other hand telling him to come in. Natsu walks in closing the door, setting the bag on the edge of the bed. Getting on the bed he finds that his pants have gotten tighter, removing his shirt and pants. Natsu gets up nexts to Gray.

" What's going on?" Natsu asked looking at the other two, the two males stop and lean to be half and half on top of Natsu. Gray licked at the his right nipple, while Loke sucks on the left. Natsu let's out a soft moan, he go his answer.


Gray reaches his hand down into the pinkie's black boxers, Loke's hand right behind. They both take the pinkie's member rubbing it, sending little waves of pleasure through Natsu. Loke stops sucking and works his way down to the throbbing member, Gray lifts his head up reaching for those pink lips. Natsu saw this leaning down the best he can, soon their lips finally touched. They moved in sync with one another. Loke got to his prize, taking all in he wraps his tongue around the throbbing member. Natsu pulls away from his kiss moaning loudly. Gray smirks, moving down as well. Getting to his prize, being Natsu's hole. Sucking on his fingers the rave inters two fingers, moving them while his tongue licks at the hole too.

"Ha ah.." Natsu looks down to see both of his lovers working on him, this made the pinkie blush. The view is the best. 

Gray adds another finger, thrusting them in and out. Loke stops on his sucking and reaches for the bag of the ' goodies' Natsu bought. Taking out the lube he looks at Gray who is just about finishing up on his job. Natsu looks back to see that Loke stopped, wondering what his two lovers might have planned next.

" Gray you just about done?"

"Humm...." Gray takes out his fingers then gets himself up. " Yeah, he's ready."

Gray and Loke pick up Natsu's back end, lining themselves up the raven enters first. Natsu groans tightening a little, Gray grunts while Loke waits for Natsu to get the hang of Gray.

" Damn....that's hot..." Loke licks his lips, the beautiful view of Natsu moaning and Gray in pleasure is enough to make him cum.

" need to relaxe..." Gray takes the pinkie's member, stroking it slowly.

Natsu loosens up around him, the raven looks at Loke and nods. The other lines himself up slowly pushing in, they both hear the painful screams coming from Natsu. Gray increase on his stroking, trying to make the pain less there.

" Ugh errrr....."

" Almost there..." Loke pushes a little more, before he is all the way in. Natsu has tears forming in his eyes, the feeling of being teared apart.

" Natsu it's okay....relax..." Gray begins to pump the member, this made Natus groan in pain mixed with pleasure. Loke pulled his member out a little then pushed in again, Gray tried to copy him. Both soon got their thrusts in sync, sending ungodly amounts of pleasure to Natsu.

" Ahhh~" Natus grabs at the sheets, feeling all of this pleasure. Is making him get very close to coming, though he doesn't want to blow just yet. 

" T-This feels..better then I thought...ha nah." Loke groans feeling the pinkie's walls tighten around them, pushing their erections closer together if that was possible. 

Gray couldn't hold back the eager not to cum, sadly being the first to shoot his load. The raven pulls out his seamen still pouring out of him, with the extra room. Loke starts to thrusts harder into the other male. Natsu couldn't take it either, feeling the hot sticky seamen cover his insides then have Loke hit his prostate with much fores. Made him too cum, his member at the time was still being pumped by the raven. Gray just about to stop finds that his hand and arm as the pinkie's cum on it, taking his hand up to his face he licks it cleaning. Love the taste of Natsu. 

" Ahh nah.." Loke shot his cum up inside Natsu seeing that there is no reason for him to hold back now, he pulls out with a 'pop' sound. 

Gray and Loke lay up besides Natsu cuddling next to him, they rest their heads on his chest. 

" That....was the best....night I ever...had.." Natsu pants out, Gray smirks while Loke smiles.

" Good, because...I don't know....if I can do that....a-again.." Loke said Gray chuckles, the three of them fall asleep with smiles on their faces. 

//// Sorry that's it's been a while!!!

I had surgery and I'm still recovering from it!!!

I do hope you like this, I tried really hard to make it good.

Vote! Comment! Luv u guy's LOT'S!!



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