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For: ftlucy227

After the girl on the floor stopped laughing she goes to get the hat, walking over to the iron slayer. She pushes the hat to him, with a tch he puts his hand in. Feeling around his hand brushes up against a lot of things, but non spike his interest. Except for a weird feeling thing, wondering what this item could be he pulls out headphones.

" Oh fu-" He was cut off by the girl pushing him into the closet, after that she walked over to the other slayer.

Throwing him in she locks the door, and starts the timer.

" Fuck I got lightening bolt!" Gajeel swears, he goes to get up but finds that the ' lightening bolt' is on top of him.

" That's not nice." Laxus smirks, he lowers his face. Brushing his lips against the others, feeling the other try to move away. Made him want Gajeel more, moving fast he presses his against the iron heads.

A muffed moan came from the iron slayer, he kissed back. Laxus reached behind the other grabbing that nice firm ass of his, causing Gajeel to jump at the touch. Than letting out a groan, smirking at his work the blond slides his hand under. The iron slayers pants, and underwear. He squeezes his ass again, liking the sounds the other makes. He pulls his hands out, being quick he flips Gajeel to lay on his stomach. Breaking the kiss.

" What the fu- ahhhh!!!" Gajeel got cut off by Laxus pulling his pants down, along with his underwear. The blond had the tough iron slayer across his some what of a lap, with his ass exposed.

Laxus sucks on two fingers, than sticks both inside the iron slayer. Gajeel's cock is pressed against Laxus's thigh, wiggling his hips he groans from the pleasure.

" Who would have known that the tough iron slayer would be liking this." Laxus brushes against the G'spot in Gajeel, causing him to moan.

" Nahhh do that again, Laxus." Gajeel moaned.

" YOUR TIME IS UP!! HOLY SHIT LAXEEL IS SAILING!! I REPEAT LAXEEL IS SAILING!!!" Crystal yells, than began to Fangirl. " Sky get your ass over here!! This is a perfect moment!!" She yells for her friend, the girl named 'Sky' walks into the living room. When she sees the position they are in she starts to Fangirling with Crystal.

Gajeel grabs his pants and bolts it to the nearest room, that so happens to be a bedroom. Laxus walks out placing his hand on Crystal's shoulder.

" Who is she?" He asks, Crystal stops and goes to say who but thinks. " I'll tell you in a little bit, right now you need to go finish with Gajeel~"

The blond sighs and looks at the door that had Gajeel on the other side. Putting a his headphones on the table he walks to the door.

But I'll do that later, for now 'Sky' and me have to talk on private messaging, I hope you liked it. And thank you for 11K I didn't think it'll get here.

Let's try to get to 18K by my birthday:3
( September 22)
Any number with 8 in it is my fav numberXD

Vote! Comment! Luv u guys!

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