The closet got burned

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For: GeekyWolf101

Crystal walks to the huge living- room with a top hat in her hands. " Now ya'll bitches put one item that belongs to you in this hat!"

All the guys groan as they put something in the hat of the boom, the girl put a book over the top of it than shaken it up. After making sure everything is mixed she looks around the room seeing who to pick, her crystal blue eyes land on the Lightening user. 

" Laxus pick something from the box!" Shoving the hat in his face, he sighs and reaches inside. Feeling around he feels something soft when he went to pull it out the girl looked down seeing what it is. She smacks his hand than takes his hand pulling him to one out of the many closets that are in that room.

" Wait here I'll go get him!" The girl runs over to the other side of the room grabbing the lucky boy, she runs back over to just throw him into the closet.

" Have fun~" She shuts the door locking it in the prosses.

The two boys slowly reach out to see who's with them.

" Laxus?"

" Natsu?"

Laxus's hand brushed against the pinkie's neck, making Natsu shiver a little. The blond felt more of the others neck searching for the scarf the pink one always wears, not finding it he leans in closer. Natsu rubs his head against Laxus's arm making a whimpering sound.

" You like that, huh? How about this?" He takes his other hand and rubs out to the hard pink nipples only covered by his vest. Natsu let out a soft moan, his eyes adjust to the dark allowing him to eye the blonds eyes. That are glowing shower hunger, he wanted them to look at him like that forever.

 Laxus cupped the other's jaw tilting it to the side, he leans in pressing his lips against the soft pink ones. Getting a muffled moan out of it. He smirks in the kiss, they don't fight. It's more of a rough kiss, teeth biting at one another's flesh. The animal side comes out in the both of them, hunger, lust, this is what is driving them.

Natsu's vest laid on the floor next to them, along with the purple shirt Laxus wears. Both have forgotten about the time, they are too busy biting, sucking, and moaning to bother with that. No, what they are worried about is if they are gonna be able to cum. Both are grinding up against each other, moaning and groaning. Both want to release, it's call, it's about to....

" Times Up!!!" Crystal swings the door open, her eyes have sparkles in them. The light beams into the closet, showing Natsu on the floor with Laxus on top of him. Their pants are wet from their orgasms they just had.

" OH MY GOD!!!! COBRA - SAN GET THE CAMERA!!" Crystal starts to fangirl, but sadly she didn't get the chance to take a pic. Out of embarrassment, Natsu sets fire to the closet, Gray and Lyon move fast to put it out. Leaving a burned closet behind, luckily Laxus didn't get hurt but the same can't be said for his shirt. 

" uh....well that was um something..." Laxus goes over to his seat and waits for his next turns, Natsu slowly walks passed Crystal. But he dosesn't get too far.

" Hadou number 31: Shakkahou! You idiot now we have to use a different one!!!" Natsu flys into the wall sliding down to the floor ever so slow, his lights are out on. Crystal walks over to her notebook, seeing who is next on the list.

" We are fucked." Gajeel said the rest nod in agreement.


So I hope you liked that, these probably aren't gonna have must of the really really hot stuff. More like the fluff and smut, but I hope you liked this and can't wait for the others!

As always....Vote! Comment! Luv u guys!



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